Donald Trump of the Left. Proves it more and more every day... and this web site is playing a role in assisting.
Donald Trump of the Left. Proves it more and more every day... and this web site is playing a role in assisting.
Libby Watson had to start a GoFundMe to avoid deportation.
That doesn’t give anyone a right to invade their privacy. Still salty about Gawker?
None of their ex employees ever even defended them, so that’s your proof there.
Gawker, a good website which was bankrupted in 2016
Gawker was literally the bottom of the barrel, National Enquirer-level journalism. I don’t understand why you think the new owners could possibly be worse. What are they going to do, euthanize kittens in the office or something?
I could absolutely cum over how seething you are about it. I want to shoot this into my veins until I OD on your anger.
for the wokest of woke! Except the lower caste in India, Prachi just considers them dirt.
But don't you know that's the new thing! Woke is moral authority! Cuz. Back to the front! You will do what Woke says, when they say. You will die, when they say you must die. Back to the front.
Trying to turn this into a race thing is incredibly stupid.
Really? A body hair persecution purity test article?
“I honestly don’t care.”
The more I read the comments the more I realize the author had to be purposely inflammatory for clicks and comments. Gotta make that $$ y’all.
You could have saved a lot of work and been much more honest by just saying “I am bitter and angry at white women”.
Writers who put blatant errors in print have to anticipate readers focusing on the blatant error instead of their point.
1. Writer writes blatant error.
Every time I hear “men decided that women should look a certain way”, I’m reminded how big a chuckle I’ll get the next time the same person says “OMG, she needs to have her eyebrows done” or “Seriously, who wears THAT?”.
Yeah, post is pretty shitty take.
Yes also has this person ever met a greek or italian woman because holy fuck have I been mocked my whole life for how hairy I am and where my dark, coarse hair grows.
No one suggested that she was being extraordinarily brave, so why do we have to shit on everything? We can’t just take this for what it is without lambasting it for not doing enough for the brown community? They really do not HAVE to do anything with one other.