John Brown's Body

In related news, management at Buzzfeed has deployed machine learning AI to write Buzzfeed articles, no one can tell the difference. And now over to Ollie with the weather.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said Tuesday that he will bring the Green New Deal up for a vote in the Senate in an apparent attempt to force Democrats to go on the record about the proposal drafted by some of the party’s most liberal members.

Yeah what an irrational reaction to a plan that includes outlawing air travel and cows, not to mention the rest of the leftist fantasies illustrating how profoundly amateur AOC and her fellow travelers are

...Women Over 30 Are Having More Babies Than Younger Women

Israel has done some terrible things in Palestine, and I agree that criticizing that history and those policies isn’t the same as anti-Semitism. But if you think Israel/Palestine is a simple, black-and-white, good-vs-bad guys story, that may not be anti-Semitism but it’s also not the kind of self-questioning

Dude we get it y’all hate the Clintons but there’s nothing inherently wrong with this tweet and if AOC had posted something asking for equivalent shame from Trump you’d have run 5 headlines talking about how it was “legendary” that she “dragged” him. 

Racism is not based on systematic oppression. That argument is so tired and so easily proven to be not true or what racism is based upon. Like the idea that minorities cannot be racist...ever...because they are oppressed lol. OOOOOOK

This is one of the stupidest things I have ever seen.

Black makeup is not the same as Blackface. Get over yourselves.

Because rape is worse than blackface?

So nobody can ever learn from past mistakes or ever find redemption for former actions? Awesome. Guess what? Nobody is ever going to give a fuck about trying to be a better person or doing any sort of self-growth. Way to give all the racists out there a giant fucking out to continue being racist.

...there is no such thing as ‘Reverse Racism.’

It’s not even a tabloid. It’s a blog. 

Totes. And it would be great if the editorial stuff would at least have that self-awareness as well. 

Jezebel is a tabloid. A tabloid with delusions of grandeur, but a tabloid none-the-less. The sooner we all make our peace with that the better.

So they’re using a man at a random bar who won’t identify himself. Sounds credible.

They found some dude in a bar who refused to be identified and he said Smollett was lying. How credible!

It would be great if the entire world would ignore the Markle family. 

Quote from idiot in Smollett article:

Jezebel-writers, stop fucking publishing stuff that makes her dad money and invades her privacy, like publishing her private correspondence specifically asking him to stop selling any scrap, true or untrue, for money to the press.