That’s some kind of blue wave you got there if the only thing that kept you from also losing the House was healthcare.
That’s some kind of blue wave you got there if the only thing that kept you from also losing the House was healthcare.
“there is a huge difference between blackface and black makeup.”
So, the opinions of some voters weighing more heavily than others on account of race.
“But don’t you think this concept of live and let live and “oh they apologized and learned their lesson so it’s fine now” is what perpetuates the problem?”
Sophie Weiner dismissed my comment saying that this Democrat freshman class is more problematic than at most high schools.
Good job Democrats! I’ve seen less troublesome Freshman classes in high schools.
“Nothing would happen but at least they’d show some cojones.”
Lolz. The left has been saying it was going to ‘shut this down’ since the day Trump got elected. You mean y’all haven’t started yet? What have you been waiting on?
I don’t care who you are, that’s funny right there.
The reason why Democrats never win is because they’re not pragmatic.
Umm, I don’t know if you know this... but AOC will not be old enough to run in 2020.
white terrorists are the country’s greatest threat to peace and security
Rachel Dolezal should be her running mate. Then we’d have the first all minority, all woman ticket.
Her tears have the other 8 markers. There will be a plentiful supply in two years when she loses reelection because her party turned on her.
Update: Yep, I still don’t care.
Give Virginia to West Virginia.
“Fyre Festival of politics”
Coal Miners get laid off: Learn to code bitches!
Melania Trump’s Friend Reportedly Told Her That Be Best ‘Sounded Illiterate’