If you think “the Ukraine” is pretty offensive, you’re fragile as fuck.
If you think “the Ukraine” is pretty offensive, you’re fragile as fuck.
You seem surprised at all this baggage is coming out, which is surprising. Did you expect them to have absolutely nothing objectionable in their history? Well, do I have some bad news for you.
Zero fucks given.
I know. It’s delicious, isn’t it?
Committed? Has some new evidence be discovered? That’s news to me.
Umm, how about not getting an expensive and useless degree that you can’t pay back?
Or flying lessons. Or skiing lessons.
Nothing. That idiot is talking out the back of his head. If he hates Trump as President, he’d really have hated Hillary.
Boy oh boy oh boy! Am I ever glad to be out of the public spotlight.
And Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing wasn’t a hit job? Get outta here.
It’ll be up well before tomorrow.
Lol. No one is afraid of AOC. Just because you’ve convinced yourself it’s true doesn’t make it so.
Stop trying to make scared happen.
You’re right. You’ve conviced me. I am a garbage Republican. From now on, I’ll vote Democrat.
3. Very few allies and growing fewer every time she threatens to primary her fellow Democrats.
Y’all writers and fans of The Poot shouldn’t feel so smug. You’re not any less despicable than Farrakhan is.
Are you familiar with the term “small sample size”?
Nah, here they think Christ was the first coming of AOC.
Is there anything y’all won’t criticize? I mean damn, even fighting HIV isn’t good enough for you.
Yes, keep attacking each other. I love it when the left does that. Do it more often!