Wow, what a bombshell! This is truly the tipping point. He’s got to feel like the walls are closing in on him! This is the beginning of the end.
Wow, what a bombshell! This is truly the tipping point. He’s got to feel like the walls are closing in on him! This is the beginning of the end.
“That way people who are usually just on the edge of getting a huge tax wallop won’t be trying shenanigans”
Apparently the answer is “at least one more.”
Fortunately we have the Supreme Court on our side, and will for a long time to come.
I’ve bought things from Amazon that I’ve seen here before, but I never, never go through their links.
Ironically, the magazine is one of the only parts of a rifle you can 3d print.
In your first example, the person is clearly drunk.
Not to go “no true scotsman” on you, but any real troll would not be clicking on their ads or affiliate links.
1/3. Lolz. I could have sworn the saying went “buy low, sell high” not “buy low, sell lower.”
I’m sure “We” also has those dark impulses if “We” could ever manage to admit it.
1. Something bad happens, deeply affecting man.
Whatever you say. I’m quite happy with my choice and look forward to Trump’s reelection in 2020.
“The reason it dropped off from the news is because Democrats were using the fuck out of her, and when they didn’t get what they wanted, they dropped her in the ocean.”
Turnabout is fair play.
But why put responsibility on the audience rather than on those who invited him to conduct? Do audience members have some sort of responsibility to do a background check on the conductor or orchestra musicians before going? I imagine a good percentage of the attendees came to hear the orchestra, not for the…
They are useless junk. Even Goodwill doesn’t want them, that’s how you know they are useless junk.
Who is buying GMG? Because if they’re looking to buy useless junk, I have a CRT television, an 8 track player, a collection of beanie babies and an Atari 2600 with no games I’d like to unload.
You mentioned the layoffs at Buzzfeed, HuffPost and Vice. What you failed to mention is that the world doesn’t need Buzzfeed and HuffPost and Vice. The world doesn’t need any of them to be honest, but I digress...
That is such a stupid criticism.
I understand how criminal activity is detected. Problem is that there’s no reason that is not personal or political to believe that he has engaged in criminal activity. It’s a fishing expedition.