John Brown's Body

So I should have low standards for journalists (bloggers, actually)?

No, we’re not in a court of law, we’re in the court of public opinion where there are no rules of evidence. Nor is there a backlog of cases since you’re automatically guilty of whatever it is people say about you.

Another day, another headline claiming Republicans are ‘losing it’, ‘terrified’, ‘scared’, ‘frantic’ or something else a lawyer would object to for testifying as to another person’s state of mind.

They may very well be Republican driven, but it still couldn’t happen without the formal cooperation of Democrats.

These comments blaming Republicans for education problems in the most liberal state in the union are hilarious.

This article is not about Florida. What about the ongoing Democratic plan to destroy Los Angeles public schools?

What in the hell does a teacher’s strike in a liberal California have to do with Republicans?

I loved gym. But then again, I’m not a pussy liberal.

You overestimate how much Conservatives actually care about this. We are never going to vote for anyone that far left anyways, regardless of sex, race or relationship history.

It’s OJ’s fault. The networks saw people’s eyes were locked onto the whole spectacle. And in the networks’ eyes you could see their pupils change from circles to dollar signs.

The left never runs out of other people’s money.

I never said kindergarten and Congress are exactly the same and you know it. But by all means, please Democrats, continue refusing to get along with members of your own party.

That protects Lyft/Uber drivers, but it doesn’t do jack for taxi drivers. So as far as I’m concerned, that’s no solution at all.

They don’t want a lynch mob coming after them for having a ‘troubling’ opinion. Being liberals, they’ve likely participated in one themselves. But they don’t want to be on the wrong side of one either.

Look, I’m conservative, so frankly this all pleases me. But I have to side with her colleagues on this: being an asshole to your supposed friends is a surefire way to have no more friends.

Nothing says equality of the sexes like blaming men for not helping you.

Nothing says equality of the sexes like blaming men for not helping you.

Too bad the president isn’t elected by popular vote.

The three loneliest types of people in the world are:

There’s not even water. It’s a mirage.