I used to believe that the writers were only trolling for clicks. And that may have been true at one time.
I used to believe that the writers were only trolling for clicks. And that may have been true at one time.
I used to believe that the writers were only trolling for clicks. And that may have been true at one time.
The language police are the most brutal police of all.
This, plus bars of gold and silver don’t pay dividends. Index fund shares do.
It’s a good thing I starred this comment when I did because it’s not there anymore.
her eastern Jefferson County neighbors, whom she assumed were arch-conservatives
Recycling is not just good for the environment, it’s good for Splinter too.
Dollar bills will fall from the sky like manna from heaven.
BTW, does ICE have a phone number where I can make an anonymous tip?
They did say ‘tend to’ (51% of the time), not ‘never’ (0% of the time).
Considering how Obama actually deported more people than Trump does, he killed brown foreigners by the bushel by raining down fire from above with drones and appointed Ajit Pai to the FCC, you could make a damn good argument that he was the first black Republican president. Ha!
There’s no cognitive dissonance. Some people are capable of distinguishing between a person’s personal life and that very same person’s career / work / art / music / etc.
They don’t have any direct criticisms. It just doesn’t go along with their feels.
There’s a lot of homophobic and judgmental comments about his being single here for self-claimed ‘woke’ motherfuckers.
No, there isn’t anything wrong. The person who wants to avoid harm befalling them has a greater burden to take action to avoid becoming victim to that harm.
I mean, who doesn’t love bowties lol.
But yet Splinter will still push the narrative that he’s terrified of her.
Same with ‘Nazi.’ The irony is not lost on me that Left got all hot and bothered about some edgy kids from Wisconsin doing that salute when it’s likely their overuse of the term that robbed it of its weight.
I really don’t care because I don’t need anyone to tell me what to think, regardless of their color.
The plight of Native Americans is only relevant when it carries an opportunity to take shots at the right. Otherwise they don’t give a shit.