John Brown's Body

It’s great ain’t?

I believe that was Jesús. Pretty cool hombre he was.

The onus is on the author to present evidence of their arguments.

Lolz. The exhaustive list of requirements to be President are stated in the Constitution. Good luck getting 2/3 of Congress and 3/4 of the states to agree on anything right now.

They can’t help themselves. They physically can’t not tear someone down for having a different opinion.

I’m not a Democrat; I don’t care if he runs or not.

Still harping on voter suppression, eh? Personally, I’m glad Democrats refuse to understand that people simply don’t want what they’re selling. Because if they never address the issue, they’ll never win.

Ohio’s white working class is very similar to Wisconsin’s, Michigan’s, Iowa’s and Pennsylvania’s. Didn’t Trump win all of those and thus the election?

Do you really consider yourself a journalist? What does his marriage have to do with anything, except to give you a reason to take personal shots?

So viable its nominee for President couldn’t even beat Donald Trump.

Those shirts will be collector’s items once Univision dumps their asses.

Ouroboros? More like a circular human centipede.

Like how Trump didn’t back down from the NFL and bankrupted the USFL?

Within a year? You mean you haven’t started dunking yet?

Oh, they’ve been taught and taught well- By people who don’t know what it means either.

The fall will be glorious, but it won’t be a far fall. She hasn’t actually gotten up anywhere!

That was too easy, it must be a trap...

To all the Liberals reading this and thinking, “Umm, no, they’re not scared of her lol,” please also consider that the Conservatives’ ‘fear’ of her is just as imaginary.

Do as I say wypipo, not as I do.

There’s a whole lot of assumption going on in that statement. Namely, that if you forced a Jill Stein voter or non voter to vote Hillary or Trump, that they would have voted for Hillary. There’s no basis to assume that.