This is why moderates get turned off from the left. You effectively just said, ‘If I don’t like you, I support your being destroyed.’
This is why moderates get turned off from the left. You effectively just said, ‘If I don’t like you, I support your being destroyed.’
It’s because everything on this shit blog is cynical. There’s literally nothing that won’t be complained about.
Panic! at the DNC.
What in the blue hell does the House have to do with a SCOTUS appointment?
She thought it over and decided that writing garbage articles really is what she wants to do with her life.
You sound completely unhinged.
Yes. Yes he is.
HamNo thinks companies shouldn’t hire employees, they should cast employees.
Don’t worry, I still think you slimeballs at GMG are better than the people you criticize.
Hulk Hogan lawsuit 2.0?
Heads he wins. Tails he wins too. Must be nice.
You wanna know why a black person would ever vote Republican? Well there you go. They don’t care about some joke 10 years ago and don’t require you to self-flagellate to meet some undefined level of contrition.
Don’t even get me started about California. For example, they claim that a lot of their problems are due to their tax dollars going out of state to subsidize poorer states. If they weren’t sending money to Mississippi, they could use that money to solve their own problems.
Over time, my view on GMG (and Liberals in general) has evolved.
The latter. They actually believe that they’re thinking on some higher level and everyone who doesn’t agree is inferior.
Stop. STOP. You’re still doing it. You’re still overthinking this.
Just wait til Anna Merlan calls you an idiot and then gives you a non-apology apology.
The sad thing is, no, I’m not surprised. It’s expected at this point.
He’s lasted long enough with this wall and the Democrats have actually dignified the idea enough of concessions that I actually considered the possibility they would actually give an inch.
Well incompetence is what they will continue to get when they basically don’t want anyone older than 30 because that’s too old.