That would require a sense of perspective, which is why you can’t expect it to ever happen.
That would require a sense of perspective, which is why you can’t expect it to ever happen.
So, “the working class is a group Democrats consistently win”? You might want to consider that times may be a-changin’, since your girl Hillary lost almost all of the upper midwest states. You know, the ones with lots of paper mills, steel mills, car factories, farms...
I’m shocked that you’re shocked.
Whoever is paying to operate this shit blog should get a tax credit for investing in renewable energy because these writers’ and commenters’ hot takes are a neverending source of BTUs.
Wait until you find out that Whoopi Goldberg didn’t object to her boyfriend going in blackface. Hoo boy!
If she is thinking about having to go back to work 1.5 months after retiring then she wasn’t in the position to retire in the first place.
Again, one year does not a trend make.
One year does not a trend make. You think the stock market is going to go up every year? This is already the longest bull market ever.
The stock market always goes down ahead of an anticipated rate hike and immediately thereafter. It happens under Trump, it happened under Obama, it happens under every president.
Yes, he would have conceded. Because apparently everyone but Democrats understands the Electoral College is controlling, not the popular vote.
Even if he is a criminal, there’s nothing in the Constitution that disqualifies him for that. And if it’s not in the Constitution, don’t expect anything to happen just because you want it to or think it should. And why should I vote for your preferred criminal over my preferred criminal? Trump is 10x less scarier than…
How many times do you need to be told that popular vote means NOTHING?
I love how you paint the ability to filibuster as this evil thing, while had the Dems had such foresight, they would have been able to block Kavanaugh.
Somewhere, one of them just said, “You mean it’s not?!”
How is Trump illegitimate? Because he didn’t win the popular vote? Too bad that’s not how the president is selected.
So no one with a shred of decency should work in this administration, eh?
It’s hilarious that the Liberals often criticize Conservatives saying they only oppose things just because it’s Liberals behind them. And yet here we have Trump withdrawing troops from an area occupied since Bush (who the left wants to try for war crimes) and suddenly they are opposed and think we should keep the…
The basis of your perceived intellectual prowess is based on me responding to a statement without a question mark? Seriously?
This is somehow the fault of Republicans and/or capitalism. It simply must be.