John Brown's Body

There’s not ‘basically no way’ she runs for president in 2020, there is no way she runs for president. She’s not old enough. I don’t feel like looking it up, but depending on when her birthday is, she may not be old enough to run in 2024.

Lol. You don’t even know when Congressional terms start. They start on January 3, not January 20. Congressional term != Presidential term.

You want to count ballots arriving five weeks late? Congressional terms start January 3.

So if a ballot is postmarked on time but it doesn’t arrive for five weeks, are you supposed to count that too?

If the ballots were mailed in time but didn’t arrive in time... well then that sounds like an issue with USPS.

You’ve got a factual error in this article. Haaland and Davids are not the first Native American women to be elected to Congress. That would be Elizabeth Warren.

Like Asia Argento, Jezebel is also commiting abuse while calling for the heads of abusers.

Bail is not for keeping the alleged victim safe. It is ONLY a collateral to ensure the defendant appears in court. The use of bail for ANY other reason is a violation of due process.

But when people do vote third party, they get turned on and blamed for present circumstances. As if everyone who hated both Clinton and Trump was going to automatically vote Clinton in lieu of Jill Stein.

You mean HamNo was joking when he said light stuff on fire?

Doctors who have gone to freakin medical school still smoke cigarettes.

Oh great. More scientific doom and gloom brought to you by the people who scientifically say there are an infinite number of genders.

It’s funny that you clowns are celebrating this man for his service during WW2, but had he served nowadays, you’d criticize him for fighting for his white overlords.

No matter how many stories you write, I am still not ever going to give a shit that Saudi Arabia killed a Saudi Arabian.

The Democrats can’t make that move though. They’ve already labeled any and all talk of immigration reform short of ‘let everyone in’ as a dogwhistle for racism. They can’t change course now without all of their supporters flamespraying them for failing a race relations purity test.

Lol. He doesn’t even mention this shit blog.

That professor must have gotten a Bachelor’s in Ebonics at DeVry and a Master’s at the University of Phoenix.

They need them on welfare so they’ll vote Democrat as thanks.

Can y’all stop fellating Jimmy Carter? He was an awful President. Sure, he’s done positive things as ex-President, but you don’t elect people to do stuff *after* they’ve left office. Everyone can do charitable works outside of the Oval Office.

It’s great to see you Democrats attacking your own with dubious claims.