The Mindful Time Traveler

I know a big part of being a Juggalo is not being judgmental about other Juggalos... but c’mon, Mark. Let’s add a bit of color or some highlight lines. Whoop whoop!

You too, huh? I suppose it was sort of narcissistic of me to believe I was the only one.   

That is where society has fallen to this point, everyone is retroactively racist, me giving an Ok sign in a photo 25 years ago? I was clearly being racist.

I think at this point it’s clear Facebook needs to take a more active role in regulating its platform, but the absolutist free speech position was pretty much standard a few years ago, and they’re not evil for sticking with their principles. They shouldn’t have this much power, but while they have it, I’d rather they

I was wondering where my stalker’s been these last few days. BTW, I’d appreciate it if you’d actually read the posts linked to before taking his word for it on what I said.

That’s how I feel with The A.V. Club.

Yeah it sucks, I had just watched the Lethal Weapon 6 episode right before it got pulled and knew they had pulled both Lethal Weapon eps, but didn’t realize they also came for the Martina Martinez episodes. I think it’s really dumb to remove episodes where the caricature itself isn’t the joke, but the joke is on the

“Song of the South” is exactly the reason why Elba is right.

True. The stories told in tv and film and books are part of our collective culture and history, as are the true stories of [any historical racist jackasses you care to name]. Removing a celebratory/lionizing statue is not at all equivalent to removing access to films/shows/books we now find morally offensive. Removing

How is that the same? A statue honors something and people aren’t given a choice to opt-in on it. You have to seek out a tv show on a streaming service.

Isn’t this post missing the obligatory AVclub “he is wrong and stupid” judgement tacked on to the end?

First Lady ...

While I have no doubt that Gomez is less of a hack than Barsanti, that’s the issue with the ‘oppresion olympics’-style politics isn’t it?

Now you gotta decide whether it’s more woke siding with the Blacks or the Jews as the more oppressed minority, especially what with all that ongoing BLM/systemic racism/white

Yes, it seems that a black man dealing in horrific Antisemitism is acceptable for the AVClub staff. Disgusting.

So therefore the only way they can act is evil. They have to rob, steal, rape...in order to survive.

It’s interesting to me to watch how AV Club writers handle these sorts of things. Usually for this kind of deal, I’d expect them to go all in on how terrible and indefensible Cannon and his statements were, linking back to their last three thinkpieces already on the subject, and tearing into the Masked Singer for not

Barsanti’s next stop is writing copy for the Auto Trader. Ironically enough, he’s still horribly unqualified. 

There definitely seems to be some jealousy going on over the fact that Jost is a smarmy, not particularly funny white guy who’s failing upwards, whereas Barsanti’s almost all of those things, but failing downwards.


This week on Sam’s Upset About Something...