The Mindful Time Traveler

I’m not black like Barry White/No I’m white like Frank Black is

Yeah, the headline plus the first paragraph really made this seem like it would have to do with some sort of racism or sexism. Very manipulative of Mr. Colburn, the AV Club should do better

Yeah it’s hard to do sometimes, but one has to remember critics are doing their jobs.  My new film is on Amazon Prime, and the reviewers are split.  Half love it, and half hate it.  Like, really hate it.  It hurts to read their comments, but more because I’m always disappointed when someone doesn’t like something I’ve

You’re right, they should have sent a poet.

Not really but at least it seems like back in the day they had to at least put a few more words on a page to make a story.  

Welcome to news reporting in the 2020.

The AV Club staff are probably hard at work exhaustively researching the Adam Savage story. Wouldn't want to just post Twitter reactions and a rush to judgement. That's not the AV Club way. 

I have now seen thousands of words written about 19 words in a tweet. And seen how they are a rhorshach test for people to see in them whatever they want. If you hate Zack Snyder, Fisher is a Snyderite who is trying to slag on Whedon. If you’re still mad at Whedon for cheating on his wife, it’s proof he did any number

Look, we have the tweet, so it’s fair game to make up a few details, post that story, hope it gets picked by another Twitter account who retweets that as fact and so forth and so on until someone is finally forced to address the initial tweet. This is how the news works now. 

It’s nice to see the AV Club finally

Welcome to 2020 and the rest of our lives.

Yeah, the #IStandWithRay hashtag is sort of funny. I might stand with Ray but I’d like to know what he’s accusing Whedon of first. 

This is really odd. There aren’t any actual allegations. There’s just judgment without any context. 

I’m not the biggest fan of the way certain writers on here frame their stories but, to be fair here, looks like they were working with what they had (and I also think this is worth reporting, even if Fisher’s tweet is incredibly vague).

I mean, he could at least spell ‘Whedon’ correctly...and say something substantive about what he’s referring to...Joss Whedon is on record as a bit of dick but if you’re going to break a news story, include some news. 

love the lack of detail. what a substantial article.

How did Barsanti get a job here? Is it some kind of Tori Spelling thing? Is Spanfeller his dad?

Subtlety is a dying art lately because if your ambiguous some people will read into something like this and come away with women are manipulative monsters.  Probably not the intent.

They did.  And they said, “You know....we’re ok with TheChicks.info”

Golly you’re dumb.

More ways to not watch Quibi will definitely solve their problems.