The Mindful Time Traveler

Headcanons I’m okay with because by and large people who post about them accept that they aren’t true, they just wish that’s how things turned out. Who among us doesn’t have a movie/show/game they wished turned out a little different or an ambiguous ending they want to have clarity? It’s stuff like this where people

Jimmy already changed his name to Saul a couple of episodes ago. Last weeks episode marked his metaphorical transition.

If you don’t cancel Larry David RIGHT THIS MOMENT then you’re a bigger monster than Hitler. 

Not blow it out of proportion? Are you freakin’ kidding me? This is the AV Club! We all have to get together and furiously hate this person forever! If you don’t, that’s rape! You are literally raping women right now if you’re not expressing outrage at Larry David.

Wario Ware Smooth Moves is, to me, one of the Wii’s best titles, and it’s a shame so few Wii games used the Wiimote as well as this one did. The two-player mode is particularly unusual (while redundant since it’s already a pass-and-play game.)

Smooth Moves is amazing

Sorry, but most people disagree with you. Go to the game’s subreddit and you’ll see plenty of complaints about how no one was asking for a huge difficulty increase. People who had no trouble beating 2016 on default difficulty are now struggling with Eternal on the easiest difficulty setting.


Don’t worry, they’ll be armed with Madcatz controllers with turbo button power to enhance their natural reflexes.

nothing more than a collection of tweets

Putting a bandaid on a gun shot.

I doubt he could tell you if pressed about it.

What billionaire’s boot did he kiss? What is he even talking about??

This is a pretty good sign that Schur, even as EP, is too close to the writers room. This is a good setup for a sitcom, but if Schur meddles too much it’s going to turn into schmaltzy bullshit. He’s almost completely incapable of handling the balance between absurdity and sincerity. I miss the days when he was Mose

Plot twist: in Sunnyside, season 1 is the gas leak season.

You're comparing RLM to actual bigots? Really now?

Eh, I disagree. I mean, of course, you are going to have some very stupid fans in the fan-base, but if it's large enough, that could be said about any fan-base. Personally, from my experience, most of RLM's fans are pretty great people (plus a lot of commenters from AV club do comment on their site, so it's nice to

Sounds like someone ate a bad Pizza Roll.

Mouthbreathing cellar-dwellers were already loudly proclaiming the Prequels are The Worst Movies Ever for years.

they're actually pretty hilarious people, you should watch some stuff of theirs.