The Mindful Time Traveler

So you guys just comment on Twitter posts now. Glad to see you’ve finally thrown in the towel. I hope you guys find Sam Barsanti a nice home with a big yard when this place closes. He can’t fail laterally to The Root or The Jez.

You could just ignore them.

AVC is now long form Twitter.

This was a very thoughtful and well written article. I wish more people would approach the divisiveness of this game with actual intelligence and consideration instead of trying to simply pander/rile up the comment section.

Thats the worst part. I see articles I know I do not want to give a click to, but calling it out is worth it.

I still have hope people will grow some sense and stop lapping up the bullshit from every direction.

Plus, here is a picture of Jason Momoa making a face that "says it all." Freeze frame pictures, assumptions and guess. It's the AVC way.

Wwelcome to the AVC. They tell you how to feel and who you should root for. Ray Fisher = victim. We have no proof. Booyah! That’s ok. In the rock-paper-scissors world we live in now black man speaking out against white man beats white man being accused of...something.

I really wish people would actually discuss what she said. Not just pivot to the bullshit “it’s about the bathroom issue,” which is bullshit. Plenty of people, including John Cleese, do not know what she said wrong. But having an actual adult conversation requires brain power, thought, and ability to not automatically

Sam Barsanti is hilarious. His writing is neither lazy nor simplistic. He takes a basic story and fills it with such nuance. The way he implies the crowd of Vanilla Ice fans are somehow more prone to spreading Corona is funny, because it’s punching down, but it’s ok because when the AVC does that shit it’s ok because

That Mary Sue got fridged. I love repeating terms I've heard for likes. Makes me feel like I believe what I'm saying.

Spot on! Well said! (Image of person pointing upwards) This!

Brie Larson is the best. So funny. So smart. Really has something to say. So much better than those people that just hurl "neckbeard incel" insults to anyone with a differing opinion. She doesn't pander to the echo chamber. She's just doing her own thing. Perfecto.

How did I know this show would get the generational breakdown? Gen X drives like this. Millenials drive like this (but millennials are awesome and rock! Because it’s the only people still in the comment section).

No snark for poor lil Quibi? I can only assume you guys must have a vested interest in the total failure that is Quibi. Otherwise you'd be tearing them to shreds with your super hilarious jokes.

All the other writers that used to write here failed up to Vox or whatever. Sam is the guy with nowhere to go and AVC is tanking anyway. They’ll let him write his little heart out while they run out the clock on this once (a long time ago) entertaining site.

I never come here anymore but a Last of Us 2 article led me to this. Ah, the AVC scolds are still doing their thing. I seriously wonder if all these righteous writers believe what they write, or...more likely, they know what certain kind of shit gets published online.

So I guess Sunny is losing a few episodes, including one from last year. I mean, no one on this site (or the comments) had an issue with the Lethal Weapon episodes, or the Martina Martinez ones, but now, more than ever, AVC is gonna shake their heads and go, “No no no no no no.”

He’ll always be the guy that never lets Fox forget his dad died.

Every glowing review of this show never says it's all that funny. I get "championing" things, but shouldn't that matter?