The Mindful Time Traveler

Sam, this isn’t AVC 5 years ago. Everyone doesn’t freak the fuck out when someone done goes and says words that make you wince noticeably.

Somehow I knew Mark Ruffalo and Sarah Silverman would be a part of this. Also, Amy Adams from the set of Elizabeth Taylor’s old White Diamonds commercials.

It's The Root Effect. AVC takes their lead from The Root now.

Does this show still warrant a 25,000 word write up every week? Especially when it’s always “Good job, good effort! Aidy Bryant tire pumping. Melissa is criminally underused. Don’t hurt Weekend Update's feelings. Trump Trump Trump. Repeat. B."

To everyone pissing and moaning that Sam wrote this article, it’s news. Just because you don’t like it, doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be written about. But hey, go on scolding Sam. Stick his nose in the pee. Look what you did, Sam! Bad!

I can’t get into those Necrodancer games. I’ve tried and tried and they don’t do it for me. I feel like I’m wrong, but I just think they’re not my cupper of tea.

Ignatiy gets it.

“Oh meow! Oh Meow-sus Christ!”

Did anyone see Lin Manuel Miranda leaving the screening? They asked him what he thought and he said something like, “Sooo many cats!” It was the most evasive, yet hilarious, answer.

Yep, totally normal. It’s not a big deal either way, but trying to “normalize” this is so classic AVC.

Yeah, pandering is terrible and should never be done...AVClub.

Essential stuff right here.

I find Paul Feig’s desperate attempts to ride the feminist train all the way to box office relevance forced and disingenuous, but with that being said, I thought Spy was pretty good. The cast certainly helped that one, and the fact the movie was much smarter than the trailers suggested.

He stole our newspaper! I had to kill him!

Comic Todd Barry calls that the “I have an unhealthy attachment to music gasp”.

Hey, that’s not fair, she also did a fair amount of grasping at straws, and strawmen, which she oddly refers to as strawwomen.

Is it Matt and Trey’s fault Breitbart did what they do? Of course they’d view it that way. They cater to the hateful and uneducated. They’re gonna miss the point, sometimes on purpose.

I don’t know though, is it really trans people that are upset by these things, because it always seems like the people that get offended are non-trans people who feel the need to go so far over the top in defense of trans people that they do more harm than good by not being reasonable.

This is worse than when the reviewer for Stranger Things suggested the show was using the monsters in season 3 as a surrogate for illegal immigrants. (It’s in the review for the episode about the town carnival, which I am sadly probably giving clicks to).

I see you’re still here doing that thing you do. And I’ll suggest a woman all I want, if I feel like I have a good reason, like say, I was a fan of her writing in the past.