The Mindful Time Traveler

I agree. I’ve actually said that exact same thing on here before. My point is that, in the case of Mr Show and W/Bob and David, the “main thing” is to be funny, and Cross would try to do the most offensive thing forgetting that it’s not always the funniest way to do something. At which point, Odenkirk had to reign him

Initiate Operation: 52 Pickup

“It’s 9 o clock! Do you know where you’re idiot son in law is?”

David Cross: Sure, me and a buddy removed her from the booth at The Roadhouse, but I was just doing my “It’s a World of Truck Drivers” character.

Cross seems to want to shock or “make people uncomfortable” and Odenkirk has to keep reminding him that’s not “the main thing”. I think it had to do with the Heaven is Totez 4 Realz sketch.

You sir, are ready to write for The AV Club!

That wasn’t Jeremy Irons? Damn. Malkovich disappears into the role of Malkovich.

Chekov’s Pre-o-storms.

This movie is bad but it sets up the sequel where Butler joins an elite, French weather tracking team. Can’t wait for 2019's Renault Alliance.

His career has been fun to crane your neck watching as you slowly cruise by it.

And then blame Rolo Tomassi.

Marshawn, bad news, buddy, you’re getting fined this time.

“Whose dog do I have to masturbate to get those annoying AVC newsletter pop ups to go away?”

Ah, Wade the duck. I remember getting a US Acres book when I was in grade school, mostly so I could draw the characters. I was into drawing cartoon characters, and wanted to branch out from my usual Scooby Doo, Inspector Gadget, Garfield routine.

I always found Fassbender’s character name in Shame to be very distracting. Who names their kid E. Longated-Cawk?

If the Hearthstone community erupts but no one cares, does it make a sound?

It almost sounded like she was excused for her actions because of a steady influx of microaggressions, which...isn’t life a series of microaggressions?

Agreed. I pushed 40 last year, knocked it right over! Casual cruelty is certainly aided by the internet, and everyone getting their “voice” out there.

I do remember that. I had a big crush of Jenna Von Oy as a kid. I also found Bialik to be a likable, dorky delight in “real life”. Some of her positions of late are not anything I agree with, but as a kid, I liked seeing someone who was an uncool as I was, and totally be ok with it. 

That means a lot. It still surprises me how when I’ll post stuff like this how often some jerk will attack me for it.