
As a fellow medium-rare fan, I'll generally accept between rare and medium without complaint. But there was one time when I was at a SyFy-branded restaurant at Comic-Con were I couldn't for the life of me get an edible burger. They tried four time. FOUR. First was raw/cold in the middle, second was burned/rock hard,

Guardians director James Gunn and Kevin Bacon actually worked together in Gunn's movie Super, so I wouldn't be surprised if the line was in part a nod to that.

The way you treat service and hospitality workers says a lot more about your character than anything in your side of things says about the character of the restaurant employees.

I just had a young guy do this in coach on a cross-country red-eye flight. He got elbowed/kicked almost every time I moved because he was in the way and that's all the energy I have to confront issues on a cross-country red-eye flight.

There's also an Orphan Black comic launching in February from IDW!

I don't understand "scotch cocktail". I choose to believe it's a lie.

I think you mean "not any type of a thing anyone should be drinking". Black Label is doable but red means stop for a reason.

I drink my bourbon neat, your mileage may vary. I'd say pick up a bottle of Buffalo Trace. It's a nice starter bourbon and it's very affordable. Try some neat, try it with a tiny splash of water, see how you prefer it.

I think his descriptions of Brown ("demon", "it") show that, while he likely wasn't looking to shoot a black teenager for being black, he has no qualms about dehumanizing the person he shot to a disturbing extent and that it appears to have played a role in his choosing to use lethal force. And if it's that easy for

You can target a portion of your demographic without actively offending another portion of your demographic. Marketing 101.

As he listened to Brian talk, he says, "I knew right off the bat it wasn't cool. Like, that's not cool to do. I don't care if you are my buddy, honestly, that's some heinous stuff to do somebody." He says he pulled out his phone and started to record the audio. "What bothered me the most is he thought it was

I think it's a good example of punching up, not down. Focuses on the attacker rather than the victims.

Is The Star Group the one you're thinking of? It was one of the last of his run of YA books so I don't remember it as well as most, but I think it's the one closest to what you're thinking of. http://www.amazon.com/The-Star-Group…

I'm white and sometimes I can't tell white people apart. I had to watch Pacific Rim three times before I could recognize which blond guy was which.

Oh, I agree it was an issue of a showrunner being spread too thin. On the plus side, Buffy at its worst is still far more watchable than a lot of things.

I do remember one poster on the website Whedonesque a number of years ago insulting Noxon TO JOSS WHEDON on one of his rare posts there and getting banned pretty quickly. No threats were made, just one guy saying he thought Noxon was a crap writer in a non-gender-specific way. And that was considered a "Holy shit!"

...They're publishing them on regular-grade paper already? The digital-first books have a digital chapter every week, and those are collected into a print issue every month. And the print issues are generally collected into trades.

DC has been doing some great stuff in their Digital First books, including Smallville, Li'l Gotham, Batman '66 and Sensation Comics (a Wonder Woman anthology series). And like all of their other Digital First books, this one will also be published in print so your comic store shoppers can pick it up too. The main

While I've really enjoyed Amanda's return this season, I wonder if some of this latest drama was orchestrated to bolster her whole "returned better and more mature" storyline.