
Speaking as a landlord, I do not understand others who are anti-taking those on assistance. It literally makes no sense beyond just being prejudicial trash. You’re telling me my rent payment is pretty much guaranteed? AND there’s an agency I can go to if you start causing problems on the property that will help

Not at an awards ceremony. If the task is to announce people’s names to bestow honor, the host should learn or be told how to pronounce all of the names.

It was designed by Kathleen Kennedy and Kelly Marie Tran based on a diagram of Brie Larson’s uterus.

You and me both, buddy.

As a researcher whose analyses are hugely aided by the inclusion of 23andMe samples, allow me to say thanks, everyone! It’s grueling work trying to compile datasets big enough to make a dent in our understanding of the human genome, and massive efforts like theirs (and a bunch of comparably huge samples from nations

As a really ancient gray haired wrinkly scared gay loner living quietly tucked away by the fire in my safe little backwoods corner of the very far north where it is still snowy winter, this article is a sunny glimpse of a warm dreamy fairy tale south full of beautiful brave people reaching for their dreams. Now that

My good friend had EB. He died a couple years ago but he lived to be in his 30's. Keeping him in his own apartment and living independently was really hard in terms of resources. The town we live in had fundraisers to pay his rent and bills so that he could live his life as a man on his own. I cooked for him every

Jody is awesome so I look forward to seeing what she does. For those who didn’t know, in addition to her actual comics cred, she also played the Corsair in a streamed Doctor Who RPG show - Eric’s TBD RPG - though I don’t know if it’s accessible without membership.

Jody Houser is awesome, Mother Panic is awesome, and I fully expect this book to be awesome, too.

I worked in a grocery store through college (where I met Mr. Penguin). I remember the women on food stamps using every coupon, every rebate, every possible trick in the book to stretch their food dollar just so they could make it to the end of the month.

As we all know, a woman reporting a rape to police (especially a black woman) always has that report treated with respect and empathy. The police always conduct a full, competent and thorough investigation which finds the rapist, who is duly convicted and given an appropriate prison sentence. Rape kits are always

I am actually a believer and nothing turns me off more than conversion stuff.

Briefly, the ‘60s Batman series inspired me - as a kid - to start staging and performing my own “Batman fights”. First in the school playground, where they were realistic enough to get us into trouble, and then in school plays. Then I started martial arts training, which led to professional wrestling and film

“What’s the big deal? I thought Wonder Woman’s people were all lebanese.”

San Mguel de Allende is lovely. But I am also not about to give up on the US. I am an immigrant and it took me so long to get here and get my green card. I am going to fight these fuckers with everything I have. I am not letting them be in charge of a powerful economy just like that grrrrr.

I would like to point out that Circle Health Services (http://www.circlehealthservices.org/) is a thing in Cleveland and it is lifesaving. They have a full medical, dental, and psychiatric center, and treat uninsured and underinsured. What you pay is based on your income. I pay nothing - NOTHING - and just got a

It’s so curious that these conspiracy hunters find themselves - the one time there does seem to be a genuine conspiracy going on - on the wrong side of it and refuse to believe it.

This college has actually been a hidden gem. South Louisiana tends to turn its nose up at anything in north Louisiana, but this small university has been chugging along despite being virtually ignored and a frequent target for cuts. There is a thriving academic community in Monroe, mostly based around ULM. It’s not