
Wasn’t he supposed to be doing Rendezvous with Rama next?

Enjoyed your article ... I remember this (poor) little French- Canadian guy from back in the late 1970's that raced for Ferrari, named;

Ooooo....let’s do another one and call it “Jalopnik ‘Journalists’ Judgement Day

I get that you have a hate on for Stroll, but he’s not talentless.  Is he a top talent, no.  Until he got to F1, he actually had a slightly better record than George Russell.   https://www.driverdb.com/head-to-head/lance-stroll/george-russell

It frustrates me to no end that the current refrain is that the best way to resolve unfair pay practices towards financially vulnerable restaurant employees is to exacerbate it by stiffing said employees. Like, what the fuck do you expect them to do, just quit and hope like hell they find a better paying job?

Something doesn’t smell right about this.

The majority of vehicles use only 1 motor to drive the wipers......

On the one hand, vandalizing property is wrong. Period.

I’m going to sit out the actual debates and just wait for the highlights to come out. I’m not going to learn anything new policy-wise by watching Trump try to yammer about sharks or showerheads or windmills over biden’s time then bitch about having his mic cut off. I’ll give even money Trump just walks out midway

Congratulations to Boeing on achieving a truly special level of incompetence to make even SpaceX seem responsible and competent in comparison.

So if it takes less power and time to charge, are you saying this battery holds more power than it takes to charge it? In this case, route part of the output back into charging it and then we have perpetual energy??

Five bucks says he spouts a few lines about how the complications of the American healthcare system require increased overhead and something about regulations and recouping research costs and then everyone nods and moves on with their lives.

It totally overtook the series. I hated the entire arc. 

Maximus, I think you should take the kid gloves off. Don’t sugar coat it, be brutally honest - tell us what you really think of old Donny Deepthoughts.

Just don’t go faster than Warp 10, or you’ll turn in to a salamander for some reason!

The University of Alabama says traveling near light speed is possible?

“At close to the speed of light”

Now playing

We just need to have faith, dare I say it, of the heart...