A Mazda ? (Vroom Vroom Vroom)
A Mazda ? (Vroom Vroom Vroom)
It makes or it breaks
Because of the EV cartel
550Kg FIAT X1/9 HayaBusa ONBOARD
Israel laser device...
The cost to purchase that Omega new is already pretty high. So the premium is not that much! I used to be the Marketing Manager for SSIH (Société Suisse pour l’Industrie Horlogère) in Canada. (can I get out of the grey?)
Bombardier C-Series
The Seven-up
SpaceX to the rescue
Matra F1 12 cylinder engine
Charlie Sheen Abarth commercial
Must have been Patty and Selma at DMV
On this photo, Trump has a toupet.
It is like putting lipstick on a pig
Peugeot bicycle was a golden standard when I was a kid.
With all features you mentioned, that thing would bloated as the new “Z”
With water is sipping in as it is going down, the internal pressure is equal to the external pressure, then no crushing
This is based on the allowed budget cost for each team
After looking at all this pictures, I think I’ll go for an Italian bread BMT tonight.