Most of them are understeer, that is why manual handbrakes are needed.
Most of them are understeer, that is why manual handbrakes are needed.
Piadina recipe gave the idea of using Tacos, street style, potatoe salad and mortadella.
in Montreal, these chips are selling at 14$ a bag. They taste great, but... 14$ a bag!
Look at the ingredients used to make them (a very long list). Than look at meat (meat).
In France, usually the chicken is medium well cook; they are no issue eating raw eggs - my mother used to give me a raw egg with milk, sugar and vanilla as breakfast.
Well-made potato chips should taste a lot like potatoes
This fad is ridiculous. Another Tik Tok issue?
Ambulance chaser at the source?
Never fly Air Morrocco....
“Que l’ont leur donnent de la brioche”
In Montreal, an ounce of Louis XIII was 100$ CDN 22 years ago!
Can they split the sale of US/International oulets?
When I was a kid, my mother used to make me one using Milk, Vanilla, Sugar and Raw egg
I didn’t know I was eating hoagies at Subway all this time (BMT on Italian bread with Subway vinaigrette)
I agree with you. In Montreal also: 2 frozen blue crabs (soft shell) for 20$ CAD. Doesn’t make sense. I used to buy them 4 for 8$!
I am now doing daily visit to the grocery buying according to my menu I intend to do during the day (a popular habit I once develop in France). This limit the waste.
More plastic chinese junk....