Find an alternative for your electrical car tires (and all interior plastics), they are made of oil byproducts.
Find an alternative for your electrical car tires (and all interior plastics), they are made of oil byproducts.
95% of daily salt intake in one serving. Soon, cardiology business will boom!
They have double nationality (US and UK)
That will be healthier for the customers, less sugar in their body.
Moore’s Law?
Céline should go back to a normal diet, and not get influenced by Hollywood crowd saying thinner is better. Her mother at her age was bigger...
and approximately 1,182 feet (360 meters) below the lunar surface level
I usually replace the fish sauce for the oyster sauce when recipe ask for it. Much deeper flavor as a results. Yesterday I did Vietnamese ribs and use oyster sauce. Much better caramelization
I loved the book Tomorrow War, didn’t know it was on Prime. Great!
Would help if you specify the Zone (I am in 5a)
Now get a brain...
Well, with the Brits it is Aluminiiium
Aluminum in natural state? WOW. Need some bauxite then to alumina...
While back we were in the Dominican Republic and we went through a tropical storm (so not so bad...). We got shit scared. We had large bay windows in our room and they were shaking like crazy to a point we thought they would break. I cannot just imagine what it would be in an hurricane!
My sister in law is like her. Trumpist, christian, and she is never wrong, ever. If you don’t agree, she is the victim.
Blue Cheese, Oysters, Cilantro, Mushrooms, Olives, Pickles, Capers (also Caperon): Americans are missing on a lot!
Pastis 51 for all!
In his mug shot, he looks demented.
The screen capture used on this post reminds me of the Quebec painter Jean-Paul Lemieux.
Quebec bashing Hey?