
In some Australian grocery stores, eggs are kept in fridges, in others on shelves. I'd say it's a global thing that they should be kept in the fridge, but some just don't.

Goddammit. I make my own nail polish and I KNEW I shouldn’t have come here because I’d love the names and want to make my own and now I want to steal alllll the names but I can’t because ethics and creativity.

She-Hulk can fix that!

Hells no.

Second this, please! I’m doing the Popsugar challenge and need to read a book recommended by a friend. Y’all count.

They buy them in bulk. IN BULK. I know this because my current does this. He washes his own damn clothes now.

If you've ever read the Oatmeal comic on printers and why they hate us and you instantly understood everything there, you'd understand my emotional breakdown.

Such a lovely story. Thanks for sharing. I remember learning to sew from my mum and grandmother with my Barbies, making clothes. Alfoil makes for super cool space suits, but we ended up sewing our own uniforms for our Star Trek themed doll house (covered also in Alfoil made the three story standard Australian house

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She was just in "The Code" a brilliant Australian drama with some awesome acting and talent from around Australia.

My mum and dad had an alarm clock - radio like that for about 32 years! I think they still have it somewhere...

I have one shaped like a rooster that crows. I have never figured out how to make it work.

Fire twirling at a local park and at home, DIY karaoke with terrible videos from YouTube.

My Ev Psych lecturer was actually pretty awesome - he took the approach that evolution is actually a *complex* process and as a result, there are lots of things that might seem easily explained by simple biological supply and demand but in fact, humans were more complicated than a game of kill/f***/marry. He'd dismiss

It is because of BCO that I stressed to my parents on their first trip to the states that they MUST tip.

I'm so sad looking back at that now.

Daria came out just as I was in High School. I was instantly dubbed "That girl who reminds everyone of that Daria girl."

T-shirts, no. But there's a reason why the porn industry is bigger than the WWE, and it's not just sales of the videos themselves. There's massive endorsement of a range of adult toys.

How did you feel about this? http://www.hoodedutilitarian.com/2015/01/in-the…

"Cartoonists (especially political cartoonists) generally reinforce the status quo, and they tend to be white men. Calling fellow cartoonists TO ARMS is calling other white men to arms against already marginalized people."

I definitely liked

I know this may get buried in the greys, but I find it much more comfortable thinking about it as maintenance foreplay (Disclaimer: I don't think foreplay is anything more than mucking around before sex - nothing fancy here). Consenting to touch and be touched, to fool around and have some light hearted fun because it

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Thank you! I can add that to my songs about hating Russell Crowe. Please do not forget this pearl (language warning: naughty words):

Did you do all one flavour, or mix it up a little?

I'm now realising I could've had 12 DIFFERENT FLAVOURS of cake, all styled in the same way but... My god. I wouldn't have spoken to a guest all evening, just pinched their dessert/centrepiece.