
Bloody hell. I wish I had done this. My cake was awesome, and I made my own stupid centrepieces. Now I have 12 candlesticks with birds nests on them. They looked great, but I don't need 12 candlesticks - let alone 12 with bloody birdies sitting on them looking cute.

At the same time, there's a silver lining: There's no consistency in the fun videos. They were popular because they were fun. But there's a thread running through the heavy articles - they're about social awareness.

The pattern is that great articles - like Kara's work on Ferguson and race - are what we read to get

This article doesn't just make we want to read these books - it makes me want to write.

They sound like awesome fun, and just as I believe sex should be fun, I believe romances should be fun - if not, why bother? I wish I hadn't spent my Christmas voucher already!

To extend this, I haven't been to a nice restaurant in the past 5-10 years that hasn't kept their menu up-to-date with growing awareness of dietary requirements. The last place I went to had vegan and gluten free items as a matter of course, and the waitress was able to recommend something for the paleo eater.

Garth is a legend. He's been a prominent supporter of gay rights (his sister is a lesbian) in the front of some pretty hideous criticism from country fans. Songs like 'We shall be free' (also shared here) show that he's one of those Christians who think the love one another stuff is more important than the eye for an

Now playing

Into my arms. Also, the only song my partner would agree for our first wedding waltz. I let it happen, but it still makes me teary.

Actually, Angela Merkel is scared of dogs. If that is her in the picture, Putin is quite aware of that fact because he does this to her routinely.