
I have to assume bandwidth would be an issue too. I’m just a biostatistician and sometimes even my work files take 20-30 minutes to move around while I just sit and stare at the progress bar.

Speed Racer was atrocious

I’ve spoken to two completely unrelated friends with completely different preferences, and they both told me “meh,” so I expect it is meh.

Probably forever, because COVID is never going away.

I wear a mask and am fully vaccinated, but I don’t feel like that improved the movie.

One Piece is currently going through one of the greatest shonen arcs of all time and doesn’t even get an honorable mention?

Traffic is broken in every open world game ever.

It isn’t in the DSM, but it is in ICD11 (and can be coded in ICD10 if you get fancy). The community is split on it, and major health organizations are too.

I did say ‘relatively.’ Technically by most metrics the 2016 polling was within the margin of error. The margin just errored in an undesirable direction.

Most polls have samples around that size and a limited geographic scope. All you need is a representative and statistically significant sample to produce relatively reliable polling results.

Even when I see good deals here that I want to buy I just go to Amazon and avoid the sponsor link.

Ooh, I didn’t know that came out today. Looks like work is getting a new soundtrack today.

It’d be like making a parody of cheesy 80s action movies.


Now playing

until we ultimately got to meet the owner of the yellow umbrella, Tracy (Cristin Milioti)—only for her to be killed off and for Ted to reunite with Robin.

Yep, they’re great. That’s how I got my PS5 last November from a 4 am Best Buy drop.

It is a company that is being taken over by “EDUCATED” college graduates in leadership positions.

my snack shelf (aka, the top of the fridge—does anyone else do that?)

for all the cineastes in the audience

He was so young. Disease sucks. R.I.P. Biz.