I think we need more gun legislation, but no amount of legislating or not legislating will make me any less terrified of the Times Square Elmo.
I think we need more gun legislation, but no amount of legislating or not legislating will make me any less terrified of the Times Square Elmo.
Them sober boys don’t know how to act
That doesn’t make his music good. Taylor Swift is as successful as she is for her lyrics and marketing, not her background tracks.
“He also works very fast, which I really appreciate because I work very fast.”
I think it is more likely that the Roast of Whoopi Goldberg from 1993 has faded from the public consciousness than it is that he has actually been generally forgiven for it.
It is a fictional mutant warthog. As long as Bebop isn’t presented as a black man in the movie it doesn’t really matter.
The only thing I don’t like about this is how Donatello sounds like he’s 6.
It stuck around on VH1 for much longer than it did on MTV, so at least the night owls like me still had Insomniac Music Theater to get us through high school and college.
I know many people (myself included) that get things like this and use them for like 2 days.
I am now significantly more interested in this. I was expecting something bland like that last open world one they made based on the trailer, but an actual JRPG has potential.
The worst part of “Don’t Look Up” was that part too. It felt very tacked on, when it could have just kept being a story of the government’s willingness to ignore problems to further corporate interests.
For real. I bet if folks looked real hard at whoever owned Twitter before they’d find a trail of awful actions and statements, the same as any other billionaire.
Folks who keep waiting for their superhero fatigue expect that because their own biases make them blind to the fact that not all superhero movies are the same. There are big bright popcorn ones, dark and dour moody ones, mystery movies, heist films, spy thrillers, etc.
I don’t know about y’all, but this sounds like 343 choosing not to solve a solvable problem to me.
The Pope Seems to Enjoy Listening to Undertale’s Meagalovania
It also reduces upwards workplace mobility
I have to assume bandwidth would be an issue too. I’m just a biostatistician and sometimes even my work files take 20-30 minutes to move around while I just sit and stare at the progress bar.
Speed Racer was atrocious
One Piece is currently going through one of the greatest shonen arcs of all time and doesn’t even get an honorable mention?