
What has she done for him lately?

Depends whether you can prove monotony. Since it’s Jack Antonoff, the answer is a resounding, synth driven, yet weirdly tuneless “yes.”

ugh, i feel like 80's-derived synth pop has been going on for the past 40 years. minus those 4 years in the 90s where everyone pretended the 80s never existed.

The proliferation of his signature ’80s-inspired synth-pop sound

Lol, I love how you snarked about him until Sabrina Carpenter pushes back, then it’s “oh actually he’s pretty great.” AV Club: The Mitt Romney of pop culture criticism.

“I love his work, he makes me sound like everyone else!”

Did the Jedi really take them if the parents said no? That...doesn’t sound right but I don’t read the expanded universe stuff.

“Kidnapping” is a provocative way to look at it and used in bad faith really.

When the prequels were coming out the line between good and evil was clear and unquestioned. Becoming a Jedi was how you made a better life for yourself. They didnt kidnap Anakin, they freed him. There wasnt some nefarious hidden agenda. The

Don’t know if you’ve read Those Guys Have All the Fun about the early days of ESPN, but if you think Olbermann is an obnoxious narcissist now then that book will fully clarify the matter.

At the risk of jumping in early on another thread doomed to get 300 comments from dozens of people arguing at each other, Jon Stewart was never and certainly is not in this year 2024— a kingmaker. I watched TDS religiously through the first decade or so of his tenure, and Bush was still elected and subsequently reelec

I agree. I think what gets me is having someone say “hey, I plan to vote for Candidate X, even though I feel really conflicted by these OBVIOUS ISSUES Candidate X brings to the table” and Candidate X’s supporters melting down over... a fellow supporter having a genuine conversation and pointing out said OBVIOUS

He’s pointing out the absurdity of the situation we’re currently in. I also see it as a call to demand better of our politicians going forward.

I plan to vote for Joe Biden. I also hate Joe Biden. Like, hate.

This was my takeaway. “WTF, Olbermann is still talking?”

Good lord Keith Olbermann sucks so much

There was no “both side humour”

Electorate SHOCKED to discover incumbent president that 82 million of them voted for is 4 years older than previous election

Have been saying it for a while but if there is an age minimum for the presidency, there should be an age maximum too. Biden is obviously leagues better than Trump but neither of these guys should be in the running for president.

I don’t know what you’re talking about, it was clearly favoring Biden. Acknowledging the situation we’re in is not “Both-sides” humor

Want to clear something up for everyone. “Both-siderism” is when you use the bad things that your opponents do to excuse the bad stuff that your own side does.