Does he overnight parts from Japan so you can decimate all?
Does he overnight parts from Japan so you can decimate all?
I would barely do the speed limit down the piece of crap.
It's alot harder to hit 116 in a 30mph zone in a car with 200 hp
I came to post the same thing. I expect it will take a 100+ MPH crash into a school bus before that becomes an honest conversation in any law house. It’s also wild that a (legally defined) child can legally operate a car that hits 60 MPH in under 3 seconds before they can smoke, vote, or drink.
I say this as someone who likes driving fast, who owns fast cars, and who is generally skeptical of adding more bureaucracy to our lives:
It’s effectively true, though, it many more words. Actuaries crunch a bunch of numbers, and it’s a whole business and secret to come up with a formula, but in the end, they take your data and put you in a bucket. Age, sex, marital status, income, location - here’s your rate. That’s essentially a stereotype.
Geico gave me a whopping 0% discount on my BMW. Because apparently in Minneapolis, where merge lanes are often nonexistent, getting on the gas and carrying speed into a corner in the middle of summer on a dry day is considered worthy of multiple recorded “incidents” by the logger. Sent the thing back after a month.
my regular commute is on a 6 lane divided highway with a speed limit of 55 (Rt 3 north/everett turnpike in Ma/NH)
the slowest cars on this road are going 72 and the majority well over 75. driving 55 will get you killed, either by getting rear-ended or by being murdered by an angry commuter.
if I let an insurance…
He is going to plead he has Affluenza and can’t be held responsible like that other little dipshit that killed people with his car in Texas
This kid needs a baseball bat to the knees.
Yeah I was going to write a comment how its not worth the dangers of riding on the road but these folks were training ironman so how else would they do it.
A 16 year old driving a modified 5 year old super duty. My guess is mommy and daddy will “take care” of it from the legal side with a few phone calls. Poor kid just sneezed with affluenza is all.
At 16 you know right from wrong.
Oh snap! That’s what I get for trying to find something different than what Getty Images has. I was wondering why it looked a bit different and chalked it up me being tired. Oof.
It’s been my understanding that one of the plusses to the mega ships is that they take so long to process for departure and arrival that it cuts down on “perishable” cargo. You can't continue to extort the people you smuggled if they're dead. That would likely go through the smaller lines and ports.
This was the first thing through my mind. How many smuggled people are trapped in this thing?
The only thing that’s potentially more frustrating than having no insurance policy is having two. Because neither will pay and you’re stuck holding the bag.
Amongst the thousands of pictures of the Ever Given, Mercedes somehow chose one of the previous one that was scrapped before the one that got stuck got commissioned. And I only just learned of that ships’s existence because I saw that picture, but it doesn’t seem to have done anything remarkable during it’s service…
I started down the road of “isn’t there insurance policies for this sort of thing?”