Mildly Amused

The last driving test I sat was on December 7th 2011, at 13:40 to be exact. It was back home in the UK and was a 45-minute affair that started with answering questions about the car itself, such as how to check your oil level, and ended with a bay park back at the test center.

I always got a kick out of his tendency to start sentences with “OK, yes.”
Interviewer: “Are you getting too old for this?”
Gronholm: “OK,”

I have always respected with a good bit of jealousness the ability of so many from all over the world in speaking english. I wish I was better at any second language. If others can understand you your are doing it good enough. I can get by with German but not enough. 

If only there was a website with solar storm predictions

Considering how Starlink satellites are ruining Earth-based astronomy:

*sigh* yeah...

But like.... this video proves you should.

I mean, it's fine to not park your vehicle in your garage, assuming you're not a lazy piece of shit who can't be bothered to clean off your car.

My neighbour is that special someone that will only clear off about a square foot of the driver side windshield no matter how much snow is on the vehicle. Light dusting? Square foot to look straight through. Two foot dumping? Square foot to look straight through. (Just one of the many things I loathe about her.) At

You know what the OPPOSITE of those assholes who don’t bother cleaning their car off fully before driving is?

Every now and then I’ll see a semi with a trailer just blowing snow and ice all over the road because it hasn’t been properly cleared. That shit is legitimately scary.

This past storm. I saw a police SUV with only his windshield cleared. I took a picture of the car and the license plate. I reported it. They pretty much told me to pound sand. 

100% lazy asshole move. I’ve heard “but I can’t reach” as an excuse. So what? Get a fucking ladder & broom, or buy something smaller. Don’t make your laziness my problem. 

That’s one of my pet peeves, along with only clearing a porthole on the windshield because you’re too lazy to get all of the snow and ice off 

I fucking HATE people that can’t be bothered to clean their roofs off.

The Ohio Turnpike and Infrastructure Commission announced Monday morning that the driver was placed on administrative leave and will submit to mandatory drug and alcohol testing as it investigated the incident.”

and needlessly duplicates (badly) an existing system:

I’m not even claustrophobic but those photos make me queasy.”

WASHINGTON, DC–A study released Monday by the American Public Transportation Association reveals that 98 percent of Americans support the use of mass transit by others.

Great gimmick, But did anyone really think taking a mass transit concept and converting it to vehicle traffic was really a solution to congestion issues? It just moves it underground. But I doubt that was it’s intention anyway. More marketing and the whims of a person that has a company and it’s investors money at