Mildly Amused

They’ve already bothered to add weights to the steering wheel, keep the belt buckled, and not open any doors in order to pull off this stunt. Adding a bag to the driver’s seat to trick the seat sensor is not going to stop anyone who has already done those other things.

First, prove that the name of the driving system has caused these accidents.

Its not just the stupid people “driving” that are in danger, its everybody else on the road as well. Unfortunately, all of us that share the road are unwitting beta testers.

I’m going to preface this with: I’m not a Tesla owner or a fanboy.

So basically, it is more difficult to turn on a modern car with a manual transmission and then disable the nanny traction control than to have a driverless Tesla.

Feels like you have to go to the dealer to do that...
Honda dealers offer the rubber blade for about $10CAD (approx $1.50 USD)

I thought it was going to be the lack of partition between cab and bed.

Thank you for the penguin. Was gonna have to burn my eyes out, otherwise.

Hey, this is America. We can be stupid in LOTS of different ways at the same time!

I’m guessing you haven’t seen what the typical Sturgis attendee looks like if you think they still have grandparents.

Couldn’t this also be an indictment on the stupid cost of medicine in the US?  I mean the people that went to Sturgis deserve every bit of illness and vitriol they have coming, but $46,000 per case?  The whole thing is stupid, from beginning to end.

Well the problem is that all these idiots are gonna kill their parents and grandparents, so it’ll be cheap Rascal scooters rather than cheap motorcycles.

Weird, I’ve been getting phone calls in the middle of the night every night for weeks. Every time I pick up, all I hear is heavy breathing and “I know who you are, and I know which of your O2 sensors is bad.”

Not only should sexual predators not have access to my “personal data”, the manufacturers should not have access to my “personal data”, and in fact my automobile should be storing my “personal data”.

“So a “no” result means I would have to seek out a sexual predator to diagnose and repair my car if I’m not happy with dealer?”

That totally explains it!! This guy was stalking me for about a week. He finally caught up with me and whispered in my ear, “P0103, You have a problem with your mass air flow sensor”. True story!

That overwrought commercial states that “a sexual predator could use the data to stalk their victims,” and “pinpoint exactly where you are...if you’re alone” and “even take control of your vehicle.”

I fly American to CLT a lot for work from PA. It’s a 2 hour flight, and because I always buy the cheapest ticket I can, I am often in the last row, because the last row is the cheapest, and he got what he paid for.

There are also flesh and blood humans who might have back issues, and that recline is the difference between them being fairly uncomfortable, and being in significant pain for the whole flight.