Anybody else fighting off the urge to scream “Dibs!!!” even though it’s much too far away?? Sigh… there’s gotta be some great Suby body parts in there that don’t have midwest rust damage that could be cleaned off easy enough…
Anybody else fighting off the urge to scream “Dibs!!!” even though it’s much too far away?? Sigh… there’s gotta be some great Suby body parts in there that don’t have midwest rust damage that could be cleaned off easy enough…
No kidding. Thankfully we happened to be in our car that happens to have a very good skid plate one day as we were driving through downtown in 3 lanes of solid traffic. We were in the left lane and I never tailgate, there’s no question I could have stopped easily if everyone in front of me did. However, when the truck…
My ‘07 TSX had a nice upgrade from the Civic level and you just tap the bottom and it slowly springs up open (so it still won’t spill on a hill, but you can also still get in there on a hill if you have to— and are prepared for everything to fall out at you)
I grew up out west. *Always* have a paper map tucked away somewhere— especially when a lot of your trips are at least 1–2 hours between cities, and cell coverage is only mostly reliable on the main highways…
I posted the story about GPS leading us, in our WRX, down a B Road and basically across a river. :D Thankfully we made it across, so it’s a good story (#RallyCar!) rather than sorrow. :D
Fail or a true test… I guess it depends on the outlook. :D Following GPS to, ironically, an area RallyX, the directions took you down a B Road… Being in the WRX, we figured, “sure, we can do that.” We passed one small creek-ish thing a few feet wide, figuring that would be the worst, and felt kind of smug. Husband was…
Not even just the conductors, anybody who was near the front of the train. My uncle was a brakeman then engineer and a car of idiot kids thought it’d be fun to beat the train… They didn’t… Sometimes at night he still sees the eyes of the kid in the back seat right before they obliterated them… (it happened two or…
Oof… and I needed a car that would just fit *my* hockey bag (and sticks)…
I was 12 too… that really stuck with you… Enough that even a couple years later when I was getting my learners permit (car) I actually wondered if I should bother as there might not be anything left when I turned 16… (I think that was Libya era?) F’ing Reagan… Fine he may have come to his senses on that, but he…
This was the first I saw of the shoes (wtf… at least go with a chunky heel for disaster tours…) but she did appear to have a wardrobe change at some point as she was in a perfectly pressed white shirt at some point down there… I guess being seen in the clothes you’ve spent a few hours flying in is bad taste??
Yeah— watching the video of that from… it’s not remotely my market so I can’t remember his name, but he’s somebody on weather there, is how I ended up hearing about Brandi too. That was from a foot or so earlier than the video I saw… wow… the water is above the window line…
I had ended up on her Twitter feed after starting at what was one of their meteorologists (he was showing the water flowing into the 1st floor as evacuations were moving who was there upstairs). That makes sense now— I had seen mentions of her being “it” and also how their batteries died before the trucker was rescued…
Don’t forget about SCCA! A lot of regions are starting up RallyX in their areas. Our only problem here is finding places to let us use their land— some regions have awesome areas available. And you get to race rain/shine/snow! (btw, I’ve heard our areas we get called “brutal,” so some regions have much more, uh, level…
Ooh. Good point… And we’d have $$ to get training/licensed too…
This has always been a major part of our “plan” (perhaps “dream” is more the word :P ). Though ours would be a Rally course first, then tarmac. When we drove from the midwest to Washington for Dirtfish last year, the whole way we kept staring at the huge open land talking about how awesome of a course we could have…
I’m much too practical as I’m first thinking that a new house is required that has a garage large enough to hold the new cars (with space to work on them). We currently have 3 cars, and a 1 car garage… it’s kind of traumatizing when major thunderstorms come through knowing only the baby gets protected…
There’s no way I wouldn’t road trip this to Atlanta and at least try to get arrested in it, so it won’t be for me.
It’s probably good I didn’t watch this before I ran errands… (though my VTEC, yo kicks in… what, around 6-7000ish, which would make for even more fun to try it :P )
I was noticing that. And also how many of the commenters properly did so. I do believe it is a requirement to say “yo” with every VTEC mention, most preferably being, “VTEC, yo.”