Apparently McD’s and Xfinity hired the same ad company because both their ads are stupid and unintelligible yet we are still talking about them.
Apparently McD’s and Xfinity hired the same ad company because both their ads are stupid and unintelligible yet we are still talking about them.
Kagnon actually has half a point - Your body is equipped with the ability to maintain homeostasis. When things become unbalanced and you get a fever, a headache, the chills, etc, it’s a way your body is telling you that something is wrong and that it is trying to fight it off. Most of the time a runny nose= your body…
You didn’t see that coming?
Miata get a new car
Was conducting an interview for an Operations Coordinator for a major mobile phone company. The girl we were interviewing was internal so we all knew she was a little on the wild side but over all was a good person.
Gas station quick in and outs are fine. Now that my daughter is 6 she asks to stay in the car sometimes for errands and we talk it out if it’s not going to be a quick one.
Am I the only one that sees a mid 90’s Justin Timberlake beneath the mask?
*mmhmm cough cough* I believe they are called ‘courtesy trays’
My best friend has celiacs and will ask for a gluten free menu or let servers know that she’s allergic to gluten. Granted it’s her fault that she does not specify that she has celiacs or how severe her ‘allergy’ is. That aside, I’ve seen at least 3 separate reactions in 2015 alone from food service not taking care to…
“What tampering that does occur will almost always come with a little more creativity attached to it than simply spitting in someone’s food”
My parents have told me since the day I started driving and every time they’ve caught me for driving without shoes on that’s it’s illegal. I would rather get a ticket for driving without shoes on than get a flip flop or my heels caught on a pedal and cause an accident.
Looks legit..
Now THAT! is going out in a blaze of glory! Hope Mickey-Ds employee wasn’t fired but if so, what a way to go!
If that was my child(ren) and they found the a-hole driving the Jimmy he wouldn’t live long enough make it to county.
Usually I don’t let anyone drive my car. The first (and last) time I let my mum borrow my car she wrecked the front fender.. in a church parking lot... I’d only had it four months. Never. Never again.
Agreed on all but the banana peppers. Banana peppers are the bomb.
But if you shake the fool thoroughly they can become an emulsion! bwhaha Let them webmd that :P
Who orders their kids food early? You make them sit like little civilized people that will one day be adults and make them behave. Patience is a virtue and all that BS.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who was spamming f5 for the last while.
Bought this for the boyfriend a year back. All you need is a valid drivers license and $$. The instructor with you makes you drive the first lap to get familiar with the course. The second and third laps you get to go faster but no where near topping out. They have the passenger brake installed in the Ferrari that my…