
They are courtesy trays! Santa-fail

I’m curious what happened next after the guy with the ‘problem’ confronted the recording family.

I prefer tying them to the roof so that way their screams don’t sound as loud when I’m doing 80 on the freeway

Amen. Once saw an entire team forced out and the replacements hired by (and I am not kidding) their curves and sex appeal. The hiring manager- creepy older man. Old team- mostly men. New team- ALL females with the exception of 1 guy who was a family friend. They were the embodiment of “shake my boobs and giggle” while

My boss told me once that he knows I’m actively listening and processing when I have my RBF on and it unnerves the crap out of him. I laughed and said good.

Not work related but I’m a car enthusiast and any time I ask outside my circle of friends for suggestions on upgrades I get the typical ‘O you like cars and know how to pop the hood. How cute.’

Beg to differ- you can play D3 drunk or extremely tired and still pull it off. Pulling off a raid while drunk or extremely tired will get you kicked unless you are master level drunken raider... or a hunter :P

Found BCD today and will definitely be back for seconds! Looove this.

Haha the fact that he is this familiar with Hearthstone and didn't account for weekly maint is kind of funny...

HAHA that sounds like me and my 6 year old trying to teach me how to play Minecraft.