Cops like this were the C-students in high school. You remember them.
Cops like this were the C-students in high school. You remember them.
Where’s the white suit, Ray? (the classics are timeless)
Next up: Madea Actually Hates Black People, Even Though They Pay to See Tyler Perry’s Shitty Movies Over and Over Again.
Cut a check bitch. Oh . . . what’s that? You don’t have any money because you’re a grifting piece of shit? And what was your cut on this one? Enjoy your broken trailer. Fucking asshole.
He won’t attend NFL games? Plenty of time to go to cross-burnings with Grand Wizard Sessions.
Mnuchin isn’t allowed to touch her. It’s not in the marriage contract.
Gofundme time!
No. Go away. Take the “Sports Guy” with you. Be gone.
You have a lot of free time on your hands, don’t you? It’s a fucking cheeseburger.
How many seats did he have to buy? And how many belt extenders do you think he would need on a commercial flight?
It’s going to be a glorious day when they rough up Trump and his idiot children when they’re arrested. Come on Mueller and Schneiderman, get this done.
See you in court, Keebler Nazi. Although by then, you’ll be in ADX Florence. They’ll love you there.
By presence you mean stench. Of course.
They’re going to love this traitorous prick in prison. Rule of law, motherfucker, it applies to you too.
Love your work. But seriously, is this about the fact Deadspin has been gutted so you now reach for garbage? No one gives a shit about Judge outside of the 5 boroughs. (See also Francesa).
In case the D-league doesn’t work out, maybe he can get his father to STFU and check out playing opportunities in Turkey for him. (And too bad the Washington Generals aren’t an option).
It’s time to terminate this presidency. Come on Mueller, come on Schneiderman.
I hate all of these motherfuckers. “When in the course of human events . . .” time is coming.
I grew up in PA. Joe had no superiors in Happy Valley. Burn in hell motherfucker. And fuck anyone who is still an apologist for that dead prick.