Tough shit. Harass these hateful pieces of garbage at every opportunity. Go to his office? For what? To get arrested? The time to be nice is long gone. McConnell likes playing dirty? So can we.
Tough shit. Harass these hateful pieces of garbage at every opportunity. Go to his office? For what? To get arrested? The time to be nice is long gone. McConnell likes playing dirty? So can we.
They need to replace the presidential limo with a short bus.
“When in the course of human events . . .” We are there. You ready?
She’s a man.
That’s a lot of words. They could have just said “because Texas.”
Jerry Rice is a shitty human being. Who knew? Most people in the Bay Area who aren’t Niner fans.
Not surprised at Rice. Rumor out here in the Bay Area is that he’s always been scummy on a personal level. As for Warner: he can get health benefits when he goes back to bagging groceries full-time.
Let me tell you about this guy . . . (ESPN is likely to ruin the Rams/Raiders for us by putting a mic on Gruden)
Who makes every NFL jersey? That’s right.
Another stellar FS1 production.
These fuckers still think Paterno got screwed and is a saint. He knew everything that went on in his town. He was the law.
Come on Drew, you don’t have to suck up to Leitch anymore. Unless you want to move into a career writing shitty movie reviews. He can help you with that.
Jennifer is the new Leather!
Come on CJ, go play for a winner. You know, a team where ownership wants to actually win. (Lehigh grad here).
Marlins gonna Marlin. Fuck Miami.
What is it about putting on a Redskins jersey makes someone an instant asshole? (See also: Drew’s Why Your Team Sucks from today).
It was a day that ends in “Y” and she was breathing.