Uday and Qusay Hussein think Donald Jr and Eric are douchebags.
Uday and Qusay Hussein think Donald Jr and Eric are douchebags.
I tuned you out at “Boston sports radio.”
Can I still be mad at him for being a world-class asshole? I hope he’s caught up in the entire Russia-Trump cover-up.
Fuck these airlines. Fuck deregulation. No more American either. Who’s next?
Grand Wizard Sessions is a true believer in American carnage. He’s also a perjurer—still pissed this wasn’t pursued.
When was the last time a woman talked to Miller without him either handing over cash or giving a credit card number?
So we’ll see them by the end of 2022.
We own the house, he just lives there. FOIA requests coming.
Go ahead stupid. Do it.
The United flight and gate crews should be outted too.
In related news, Aldon Smith was seen at that 49er facility Friday.
Touchdown Jesus thinks Kelly is an asshole.
Maybe Jerry Sandusky has room for Briles in his cell. Take Ken Fucking Starr with you.
Until he has to pick which PF Chang’s he’ll frequent in Vegas. There are at least 3. His head will explode because he won’t be able to handle this complex question.
No. By all accounts Candlestick was always Candlestick.
It used to be a great place to watch baseball. Thanks Al.
Tarps over all of Mount Davis. That’s the city’s fault. Go away Raiders. Hope the Niners go next.
And a good part of the “improved/expanded” part of that crappy stadium has tarps on it every Sunday so the Raiders can claim sellouts, which prevents their games from being blacked-out locally. Nice job Raider Nation. If you can’t even produce a valid sellout even once in a season, then Oakland is right to give you,…
Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III wants to remind you that the real danger is streaming across the Mexican border right this second. (James Harris Jackson is probably related to Sessions via traditional Southern inbreeding).
This would have been a more effective announcement if he wore his robe and hood.