My kids (10 and 8) saw a car with an “” bumpersticker on it today. They pointed and laughed.
My kids (10 and 8) saw a car with an “” bumpersticker on it today. They pointed and laughed.
And later tonight these assholes will go knock over tombstones. This is Trump’s America.
Did you use Trump and nuance in the same sentence? You’re not paying attention.
You lost me with the 1st 3 words of the headline: “Pamela Anderson Thinks.”
This might explain his fucked up complexion. Might.
Kudos to Steve Kerr for giving the middle finger to the NBA. He out-Popped Pop (he learned from the best).
I’m guessing it’s not that difficult for Cooley to talk with Snyder’s tiny dick in his mouth.
Corporal punishment? He bloodied a 4 year old! A professional athlete at the top of his powers beat and bloodied a 4 year old. And Peterson never went to prison? Fuck Texas. Fuck Adrian Peterson. He’s fucking piece of shit coward. I hope he steps out of bed tomorrow and both his knees explode. Literally…
She put them in a safe place with adequate storage. Also on the couch.
Ratings down? Boo-fucking-hoo. Maybe if France doesn’t open his mouth and declare his love for Mango Mussolini, people don’t flee in droves. The 12 of you remaining, enjoy Daytona next year on FoxSports1 hosted by Skip and Cowherd.
Rick is still 4'6". Is he still overcompensating? Even now after allegedly needing a step-ladder to work his personal *magic* on a restaurant table for you know what. Coach ‘em up!
Havard is the Phoenix University of the east.
This is the guy you went to high school with who was an asshole from birth barely a C student, but got into the academy. Cops have a hard job, but there is a small but significant percentage of them are this guy. Probably the same percentage as the number of people who support Trump in the general population…
He was able to cover somebody? At his age?
Nativity imagery? Check. Last Supper imagery? Check. She thinks she’s giving birth to the Jesus twins. Big yawn.
Make sure to follow this up with some Warriors hate. Stay consistent.
Going after Dolan? He’s doing the Lord’s work. Ask any Knick fan.
How can you be sure Gary Bettman isn’t running NASCAR too?
Hope the 49ers enjoy Kyle Shanahan
“You like that?” What an asshole.