
Tom Ley (Skip Bayless, Jr.) will no doubt have a HOT FUCKING TAKE on this. It’s December. None of this matters. Relax. Pretend you’ve lived through an NBA season before.

You must be looking for a job with Bayless. Let’s ignore that the almighty blessed can-do-no-fucking-wrong-ever Lebron was hanging from the rim and kicking his legs at Green late in the 4th and no T was called. Did Green take the bait? No, unlike game 4 of the Finals last year when Lebron taunted him into a T and a

Hey “Billy” (if that is indeed your real name): Bayless just read this and he immediately wants to hire you to hand him super hot takes on post-its from under his desk 5 days/week (you’ll have to live there too the other 23 hours of each workday). This probably beats being relegated to holiday week duty on Deadspin

And the make-up call was ignoring Lebron (great player, complete and total asshole) hanging on the rim trying to lure Draymond Green into a T in the 4th. This is Round 1. Everyone relax.

Here’s the chemistry: combine a madman with someone who is completely out of his depth. The concoction is called Trump. His attention span is a full 140 characters, if that. And it matches his attention span and ability to understand anything complex. He needs to go down. Constitutionally and with extreme

Eagles’ fan here. They don’t have the defensive talent to hang with Beckham now. But I love it when teams fuck with Beckham. I’m thinking he doesn’t have the stones for when shit gets real.

Fuck her children’s children too. If the world last that long with Mango Mussolini’s finger on the button.

Fuck them. That low/high shit didn’t work on November 8, did it? Time for a street fight with these bullies.

And a middle seat? WTF. This is a setup.

I hope a fucking house falls on her.

Fake tree? Classy—you’ll fit right in on Trump Force 1.

The Patriot Way is to demand only high-character guys. Just like Bob Kraft.

The facts: Trump has his own SS for his rallies. Where have I heard this before?

Trump just named Baio “Secretary of Washed-Up.”

THR obviously uses middle school kids as interviewers. How about an open-ended question, Junior?

You may think it’s shitty food. I may think it’s shitty food. Trump thinks this is haute cuisine. However, if he really intended to go high-end, there would have been buckets of KFC.

Trump thought they were literally rolled in gold.

Congratulations America—you are now officially, completely and finally fucked. It was a good ride.

Tonight’s game featured a) Elliott who is subject to an “ongoing investigation” by the NFL of his domestic violence accusations that were swept under the rug in Columbus, OH (guess: maybe the ongoing investigation is delayed by Cowboys’ TV ratings); and b) Jameis Winston, who’s rape charges were suspiciously

Come on Drew—this was signaled as soon as her father disclosed the fault in the Death Star. The entire movie is springs from the quote from IV that “many died to bring us this information.” Now that doesn’t mean I didn’t like it—I loved it. I’ll be taking the kids a few more times over the holidays. I’d rank #4 it