No one with a functioning brain fucking cares. These people are boring.
No one with a functioning brain fucking cares. These people are boring.
You weak-minded fool, you’re falling for a Trump-i mind trick. Eric Trump is a fucking tool. His “charity” is another Trump scam. This country is beyond fucking stupid
Will is funny for 90 seconds at a time. Sorry. Kristen’s best movie work was doing a voiceover. Give me Kate McKinnon.
Clean hit. And Thursday Night Football sucks.
Has anyone reminded Pacman that he cost his team a playoff game last year? Marvin Lewis should serve him a big steaming cup of shut the fuck up.
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and…
Who fucking cares? Focus on the treason that Trump’s team has likely committed. Wake the fuck up people—shit is real now.
Nice for Trump to have his daughter nearby. In case he needs a “hand.”
OK, then what was the Crybaby in Chief so worried about prior to the recounts? That someone was going to take his lollipop? Jesus, is he fucking stupid and scary. Well done mouth-breathing America.
I guess you tried out for the band in high school, but you were a shitty musician. Too bad for you.
This was after he sent Brent Celek out with another head shot. He should have been ejected.
All the stupid white working class people who voted for Trump are going to get hurt the worst in the upcoming debacle. Maybe they’ll learn actions have consequences . . . wait, nevermind.
A Presidency about nothing.
I hope a house falls on her.
Here’s a special message for anyone who voted for Trump: go fuck yourself with a barbed-wire encrusted baseball bat dipped in tar and ground glass. This includes people in my own family. Fuck ‘em all.
That’s a surefire way to convince another University to hire you, Art. Once you’re hired, maybe you can name Jerry Sandusky defensive coordinator, too.
Fuck him with a broken glass-encrusted, barb-wired covered soaked in wet sand fist. On pay-per-view.