Yeah Bochy sucks. Put that on his HOF plaque. This team went as far as they could. Quit whining. Your team lost in an even year. The best part is we don’t have to listen to any more fucking Journey this year. Thanks Giant’s bullpen.
Yeah Bochy sucks. Put that on his HOF plaque. This team went as far as they could. Quit whining. Your team lost in an even year. The best part is we don’t have to listen to any more fucking Journey this year. Thanks Giant’s bullpen.
That’s lifelike. Fuck him and all the mouth breathers who will still vote for him.
That was lifelike. Come on Sunday!
You mean talking like a politician? Not like a psychopath? Nothing to see here. Keep moving.
Great timing on the release Assange.
When does he join the Trump campaign?
Please please please let Trump continue to be the GOP nominee—let’s get both houses of Congress flipped blue!
Hey hey hey!!! Violated? Can this miserable prick be violated in pay-per-view? Rot in hell asshole.
This means only one thing for those of us who live in the Bay Area: more fucking Journey. Bowie and Prince died this year. Journey lives through the Giants. Fuck me to tears.
Can’t wait until Nov 9 when Trump tries to escape in a white Ford Bronco driven by A.C.
2 reasons you will be wrong: 1. Norv Turner has not been an elite coordinator since he had Aikman/Emmitt/Michael; 2. the kicker is Gary Anderson 2.0. (I’ll be back with reason 3 when someone breathes on Sam Bradford and he misses 6 weeks).
Kim had to change a diaper on her own? Other than his?
Boulware went to the Richie Incognito Football Camp last summer.
There are 2 Cams: 1) this version and 2) post-game crybaby Cam. I prefer the latter.
But Art Briles is the victim here; at least according to Ken Starr. Both of these motherfuckers belong in prison and Baylor (that fine Christian school) deserves an NCAA death penalty.
This is anything but an endorsement. The Trump takedown was great, but by saying “vote for anyone other than Trump including 3rd party candidates,” they are ignoring those “anyone other” votes are as good as Trump votes. Fucking cowards. It’s not like anyone will unsubscribe--hotels/airlines buy almost every copy.…
Excellent mentoring by Deion.
He needs to go back to New Mexico and sell pottery in Taos. If he can find Taos.