RJ Johnson


Yeah, well tell them to put their “wisdom” on hold until they can spell ‘omphalopsychite’ or they can just fuck off.

Pelicans fan here. Everyone can kiss my ass he’s our hostage. 

I had to stop reading at “a little to eloquent for his own good.”

Caster Semenya isn’t trans, but glad someone can openly acknowledge that’s where this is all headed.

It’s only an important detail for people who think XY and Womanhood are mutually exclusive. For the rest of us, living in 2019, they are not

I have never seen “protect women” used in a way that doesn’t defend bigotry of some kind. I resent being used as a weapon against POC, especially against WOC.

Almost all entirely men acting a fool over what Ayesha said.

A dodge like this
With a clean-shaved look’ll
Let your SS turn two
But it would have gone differently
For Dallas Keuchel


Yeah, either this or they have to watch the replay at normal speed. It should be blatantly obvious that a call needs to be reversed and if it isn’t, then just get on with the game. 

Playing an April Fools’ Day prank on the 2nd of April is textbook execution of #sowizards.  Ernie might not be gone after all. (kidding.  Yay!)

I am replying to myself and my own article to let the record show that I am not racist since I wear white after Labor Day.

That is a great pic!

That looks like a technically sound bounce pass to me, legal play

Oh oh, how many hours before the Clapback Mailbag?.. things are gonna be messy and ugly and vulgar and... I can’t wait!!

If sex offenders are unable to vote, they should be unable to be POTUS as well.

That’s also the funnier Steve Harvey.

Yeah, he’s the most condescending motherfucker on the planet in his 12 button suits. I guess Mo’Nique is just trying to get her side out there but she had to know this would be a giant waste of time.

Trying to get paid is Rich people Problems? I’m sure Steve Harvey’s Lip Caterpillar doesn’t even leave the house for

The only Steve Harvey I’ll watch is Kenan Thompson as Steve Harvey.

If it does come back, they should make Nancy McNally (Anna Deavre Smith) the President.  She was a badass.