Couldn’t she just be Athlete of the Year? I don’t see any men doing anything this awesome.
Couldn’t she just be Athlete of the Year? I don’t see any men doing anything this awesome.
The level of whiteness is so high elsewherethat Gwyneth Paltrow and Goop don’t even rate a name check? Damn we white folks really out-whited ourselves this decade!
I got the impression the pilot was meant to highlight all the characters so none of the ensemble would be cut when the show went into production.
Having watched almost all of the first season, I like the subversiveness of the show.
Welcome to capturing studio executives’ attention spans.
Mr. Russell is an incredible human being. Thank you for posting this story.
That’s a lot of words for “cocaine junkie.”
Carsen Edwards is the flip side of this. He’s not showing anything remarkably different so far in Boston than what he built up during his time at Purdue, but the story is going to be how shrewd Ainge was to draft him rather than the kid is a hard worker who has developed the skills he has that will make him effective…
Did the Astros hire Daniel Negreanu as a bench coach?
+1 butter.
I want to see Zion go up against Tacko Fall. I don’t care what happens.
Thank you, Ray. As someone who grew up with the vitriol of Mike Royko, seeing your anger in written form brightens my day.
By the way if Deadspin ever does a bits-out segment featuring the writers and staff, I hope you’ll be the cover model.
After 2016 and the title, the Cubs started losing people that had helped the team at the major league level —such as David Ross, Dexter Fowler and Travis Wood— along with trading talent like Jorge Soler and Jemier Candelario for one-year rentals. None of that is on Maddon.
I don’t know where Joe winds up; it’s not like…
Mannequin, Weird Science, Waxworks... what was it about the 80s movies where white guys wanting life-sized dolls?
This. This is what makes baseball America’s pastime. Bonus points for pissing off Red Sox fans.
I confess that when I saw the headline, I thought I was in for a Sidd Finch-style shaggy dog. Which, in all honesty, would’ve been fine; a good shaggy dog is a work of art. But here I am at the end wiping my eyes. It’s a touching story, told well.
Maybe until the civil and criminal charges are adjudicated, media outlets should continue to refer to him as “accused sexual violator Antonio Brown” in much the same way “convicted rapist Brock Turner” has become common coin.
If MLB cuts its ties with MiLB, watch for someone going after baseball’s anti-trust exemption. Because regional leagues will pop up and negotiate deals with various media outlets. And MLB execs will do what they do best: shooting themselves in the foot.
Here’s the literal money quote from Farris:
Things the dreamers never talk about: maintenance overhead and failure recovery costs in time and money terms for both of these things. No system is so perfect it doesn’t need maintenance and replacement parts. Also, no matter how good the algorithm, systems get borked.
I grew up outside of Chicago. Back in the early 70s when the Bears were bad and boring and boringly bad, I decided as a 10-year old to look elsewhere for pro football fun. I settled on the Raiders because even when they lost, they were fun to watch. As I learned about them and their history, I grew to enjoy Al Davis’s…