Mike Pipper Super GIF Enthusiast



She don’t know much about history

Still can’t figure out how to embed tweets here. So I’ll just share this screenshot w/link instead.

Thank goddess...Emma Stone wasn’t available due to previous commitments...

Scarlett Johansson’s already up for the role of Lydia in the film adaptation.

Ok, so I’ve not really delved all the way in to this, but it’s my understanding that the author has a grandparent from Puerto Rico.

So by humanize what she meant was make a generic good immigrant that white people could stomach without feeling threatened or scared of THE OTHER. BUT ALSO, give the generic good immigrant enough scary problems to make white people empathize which will make us feel good about how open minded and GOOD we are. Isn’t it

On the slim chance that Jeanine Cummins is reading this: There’s still time to make it right! You can’t go back in time and not write your book, nor can you go retroactively spend time with actual migrants for material. What you can do is donate some of your advance (and money earned from subsequent editions) to

Comments like this are why I still come to Jezebel. Well done, you.

Looks like the Ghost Twins raided Colin Baker’s TARDIS wardrobe.

I saw a great thread the other day about how online out rage is basically a marketing scheme. That makes sense to me. 

Just imagine the possibilities...

Did you say a better game?

I mean, it’s not exactly a secret as to why he’s running.  Warren’s tax plan is scaring his fellow billionaires, and they asked him to run so they don’t have to downsize their fleet of mega yachts.

His stumbling on stop and frisk was SO, SO BAD. 

It galling to think that this kid running the twitter account is being paid some ungodly amount for a dead-end, vanity presidential campaign, while Castro is sitting at home on his couch watching the debate.

[long, exasperated sigh]

He told Barno he’d like to “chat the whole flight”