Mike Pipper Super GIF Enthusiast

Trump had approved Soleimani’s assassination months ago...

  Wig wig wig wig wig WIG!

Me, too. I saw that term and thought, “That fits perfectly”, because it’s about BOTH of them and, most importantly, Harry KNOWS the ways of the Court and his family in a way that Meghan certainly could not at this point.

Exactly the reason I prefer Sussexit if such term needs to be used.

I mean this with all respect and no snark intended: Stop calling it Megxit.

Very well then! I’ll make it more relevant!

It seems rediculous that the press is calling this “Megxit” when it involves Harry too. Even in this story, it’s absurd because Elton John was a friend of Harry’s long before he got married.

If you’re going to dye your hair, at least dye your eyebrows along with it.

Now playing

im not surprised she had trouble googling the UK number. it was recently changed:

The reason he gave was that Rouhselang was too far along in her pregnancy to have an abortion by the time she informed Trejo she was pregnant.

The IOC and FIFA make the NFL look like choir boys.

The Olympic games have to be some of the most politically charged sporting events in the world. Countries literally compete for who will spend the most tax dollars displacing poor people for a giant eyesore stadium that will most likely not be used for shit, decades after the games.

“Never mind all the injustice in the world, just run around the track and look happy.”

Please remember that Smith and Carlos were punished by the same guy who was pro Nazi salute.
Ultimately, I hope a bunch of people protest this bullshit.  It’s not like they can REALLY take the victory away from you, and calling a nationalistic sporting competition apolitical is some fucking white people bullshit.

...says one of the most corrupt organizations on the planet.

Honestly, I want to ask any protesters of the myriad of things Trump does:

I said it before, I’ll say it again