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See, now this really does feel like the AV Club of yore. An article where the writer has clearly had to suffer, significantly, for many many hours, in order to put together a retrospective that’s so much more insightful than the relative crap it’s covering deserves that the contrast is staggering.

Falcon and Winter Soldier still way too high, Legion still way, way too low.

I rank She-Hulk high because it was a true comedy and, despite sone unevenness, was a lot of fun. Tatiana Maslany nailed it.

My lukewarm take:

I feel that an instant qualifier of top five in this list should be “Made haggispuddin cry when the series breaks out into Pink Floyd’s ‘Mother’”.

Hell yeah. When I first started that show, all I could think was “I can’t believe they created a show like this. It’s fucking ART.” And then they added Aubrey Plaza as a psychic supervillain.

Iron Fist was a total misfire in tone and concept, to say nothing of how the fights weren’t good, the plot muddy and the acting and dialogue uneven at best. It should have been a fun, Jackie Chan-style modern kung-fu adventure where a dorky, rap-loving, fish-out-of-water Buddhist peacenik takes over a Fortune 500

I don’t think its misfires were that bad, and for all that it occasionally fumbled storylines and character arcs it was never anything less than fascinating to watch (frustrating, yes, but not boring), which is more than can be said of any of the other Marvel shows. I would argue that it largely channels some of the

Yeah, I’m with you...all had flaws, but Legion swung for the fences so hard that you could forgive the stuff that didn’t work. 

Before going through the list I would have guessed Legion would be a top five, maybe top three entry for me. (Its highs are amazing, but it gets pretty messy in the second and third season.) But I find that there are no other shows here I would rank above itDaredevil, Jessica Jones, Agent Carter and Wandavision are

Legion is my main quibble with the list. It should be much higher. Everything else is minor rearrangements. The first season alone is one of the best things Marvel has done. 

Legion should absolutely be #1. Each season had some bumps, but when you consider the entire 3 season arc it’s some of the best television of the past decade. I was blown away by how everything pulled together at the end into something incredibly meaningful without any cheap, unearned emotions.

Pure artistry, and as something that could be considered Art. Legion should be #1.

Vincent D’Onofrio’s Wilson Fisk is still one of the best villains in all superhero TV (and beats many in the cinema): with Killgrave and Cottonmouth in close second and third. The problem with DD and the other “street level” MCU Netflix shows was that they dragged on and on, with brief moments of excitement. Some

I’d say Daredevil, Legion, and WandaVision would be a clear top three for me (not necessarily in that order but... not necessarily not in that order either).

Legion below the Falcon and the Winter Soldier?!?

Anyone else disappointed Shayla was not part of the perfect world? When Elliot went to his apartment I half expected her door to open. Other than that, 100%.

I’ve been thinking this for awhile now, that you guys have missed one fairly obvious possibility with Whiterose and this “time travel” idea. There’s no way a show like Mr. Robot is going to give a member of the one percent magic powers or the ability to “save the world” (can you imagine?). I’m not sure why more of you