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“How do you write tweets so well?”

She doesn’t have to, but why not?
It just seems like two steps forward, one step back to have the first female Doctor dress very similarly to the recent male Doctors. She’s got Matt Smith’s suspenders and boots, and the coat is remiscent of Peter Capaldi’s hoodie/blazer combo.
If you’re going to commit to a female

I love everything about this...except the pants. She looks like a quirky wading fisherman.

I blame Kinja bringing in the unfettered non-critical thinking masses. I’m sorry, people learn how to see nuance and context and not be so goddamn
“snarky for lols, like both sides suck lmao rip”... and yes, get off my lawn.

no, that’s Kinja.

Because Kinja brings out the self-righteous naysaying cooler-than-thou hipster shitheads like none other.

You’ll be back. You’ll allllll be back.

Man, the headline is needlessly antagonistic in the way of a lot of internet headlines but Jesse’s argument is honest and solid and very much in good faith. I liked the article a lot.

Hanna is excellent AND has an excellent soundtrack.

Kinja’s hot garbage, just like the new AV Club site. The old one was fine. It worked great (well, the search not so much, but great otherwise) and the sweeping changes in the name of consistency with their sister sites has been nothing but a deep, deep downgrade. It would have been better had they reversed it and

I don’t stop complaining until you can see this complaint immediately under your query as to whether or not we’re still complaining.

I’ve recently been reminded of an old joke.

I’m sad to say it’s very easy to miss a pun thread in this format.

Speaking of things being taken, I sure do miss using Disqus on here. *Sighs wistfully*

Everything you said, plus it would be nice to be able to collapse a thread.

The Game of Thrones reviews can get 1,000s of comments. I liked the newest first because I didn’t need to re-read the fist 800 comments to get to the new stuff.

Ah, yes, all of those informative graphs we post on the AV Club.

Found Ernie’s alt account.

This commenting system is factually, objectively worse, with fewer features.