
Good luck with that. I have a similar model and once you start hooking up some devices, like a Nintendo Switch, your source will automatically get switched to that device every time there is activity at all. So if I click the download button on Sony’s web page for a game it will switch my TV source over to my PS4.

I don’t even know where to begin with this ignorant comment. The browser you’re using right now could be retooled to be a hack for GTA5. I guess it should be shut down too according to your logic, yes?

Troll or dumb? I mean, from your comment history it’s pretty apparent that you’re just dumb since you don’t seem to realize what actually makes a game into a sport or what makes a sport entertaining to watch (seeing people who are way beyond your skill level play and then be able to comment on it). But I’ll give you

This simply sounds like poor management and planning all around. Anybody who has ever been involved in the creation of software a big company knows the basics that have to be nailed down early in order to proceed with confidence. If you can’t get those nailed down then you have to make concessions to the vision or

Yeah, that’s a lot of people. Many think, “why would I watch somebody play a game when I could play a game”. As you found out, you watch because they are being an entertainer. Not because they are playing a game. Of course there are some people you watch for gameplay as they might be ridiculously good at it. But

His hook is still the main reason he’s played. I’d be fine if his gun was better but his hook was used only to pull people out of position but not be used at a 1 hit KO against most targets. The hook now has some counterplay against it so you can door strafe to bait it and it will actually break in most cases (not

Well, this isn’t a court of law. Nintendo can do exactly that unless you want to challenge their actions in a real court of law.

He’s just inconsistent. Some of the best Hanzo players on the planet, like Wraxu, will switch when he’s not hitting shots. Hanzo is all or nothing. You also are 50% more valuable if your team has a Zarya since her black hole is amazing for him (and is where a ton of his kills/damage comes from the good players).

His addictive personality and drive to compete and improve is most likely what caused him to excel in Snooker. Some people just don’t know how to shut that off though when it comes to new things that interest them. He just needs to learn balance.

Blizzard keeps a pub matchmaking rating for everyone that isn’t shown. So you will very quickly be going against players who are at your level once the system figures out where you should be. It works similar to how ranked works but you simply don’t get to see the number.

They have built up so many years of good will and non-biased reporting (despite being accused of it constantly depending on the newest video/article published) that I’m not worried about the paid trip. Richard knows technology and he also got to see everything hands on, look at their white papers, talk to their

Well, one of the issues that sucked about the elevator in ME1 was when you played on PC, load times were only a few seconds if that. So you were stuck in an elevator for a very long time when you may or may not hear a conversation at all and most likely it’s one you’ve already heard. And when you start needing to go

Yup, exactly that.

This is easily my biggest issue with Botw. When I first heard about it I almost canceled my Switch pre-order since I didn’t want to buy BotW...that’s how much I hate that mechanic. But then I read a few websites that claimed it wasn’t a big deal and that things get much better later on. Well, they don’t really get

Wow. Normally I don’t talk about people being the “safe space” type...but you’re definitely one of them. The FGC has a lot of WWF/WWE built-in to it and this was mostly show and for entertainment. That’s why Wolfkrone tweeted/FB’d what he did before and that’s why Kbrad responded. The “show” is more entertaining

You can almost guarantee that they are going to lock this feature behind their online service to encourage people to purchase a subscription to it. There is no other reason why Nintendo would do this. It’s definitely not a development/time issue as it’s just a file copy. So they intentionally didn’t add it and I’d

You make zero sense and you seem to have some mental disability/impulse control issues based on your responses. Do you also love that Nintendo is fully restricting you from backing up your save data too? Nintendo is one of the biggest scumbag companies of all time.

At big tournaments the commentary is pretty amazing. At locals and small events where many times there tends to be a ton of people taking turns on the microphones the commentary can be very grassroots. It’s part of the charm of the FGC. They are some of the biggest competitors with the most passion in gaming (and

Nah, it’s a good natured thing. Go to any fighting game event or go hang out at fighting game locals and half of what you hear is good natured trash talking that sometimes results in absolute hilarity. It also means that a lot of guys develop a good social structure where you can compete at a top level but people

Yes, quite easily. With an analog stick people are stuck with mostly a defined max speed on aiming. They also tend to have way lower accuracy with their crosshair being all over the place. You won’t see them snap from target to target or do any extremely quick movements. They tend to not go for headshots a