
You’re not wrong, but you should also check out HER “fanbase”. She has made a stream career out of people throwing insults at her constantly and not just allowing it but encouraging it. So virtually everyone is in the wrong here. Go look at the replies she is giving on Twitter too. She knew this would happen and is

You just wrote around everything I said without actually giving a response and then later acknowledged it and justified it and then even said you weren’t interested in discussing further. That’s a pretty standard response for somebody who doesn’t really know what they are talking about and knows it.

They totally do!  I would love to see some more spiritual successor games as well.

No, I am explaining how a character is written in a work of fiction and her origins while also putting a light on a lot of assumptions made to fit a narrative by a few people in the thread. And please don’t use the, “if you aren’t a cook, you can’t judge food” mentality as it’s also an assumption of me and it’s just

The character is a villain and is not a nice person. The fact that she is potentially bi-sexual based on her own commentary during the game isn’t who she is. She is a flat out evil person. In fact, in her original iteration, she was supposed to be a sympathetic villain with a more tragic back story and then the

Both Activision’s response and Treyarch’s note to their employees were 100% directed at Treyarch employees and not contractors.  Neither of them addressed contracting issues whatsoever and most likely they will never unless laws around it changes.

I’m pretty sure the first two games were just put on Rare Replay and were not remakes as mentioned in the article.  They did the equivalent of what an emulator does in trying to update the look of the game like they did with all the other games on Rare Replay.  But that was it.  Unless I missed a pretty big release

Little birdies are squawking about Blizzard working on an update to Overwatch that is essentially Overwatch 2.  And bringing it to the Switch would be a hell of a way to get new people onboard with it as well.  So porting current Overwatch might be a good short term thing, they have probably determined that it’s best

You should maybe read the story and also the responses by the parties involved before forming that wonderfully f’d up narrative you have created.  It’s ironic that you said they needed to do a, “modicum of research” when you quite clearly didn’t read all the info in the article.

Many streamers quit successful careers in other fields due to their “for fun” streaming blowing up and becoming quite lucrative.  Streaming isn’t just for people who want to make it big or make a lot of money.  Most people do it because it’s fun and for the community.  Hell, I stream and I play mostly retro games and

Only 18 people showed up?  That had to be a bit disappointing and scary for the people who believed in it.

In some ways he is correct. For example, I currently have 27" monitors. I play a few competitive FPS games and all of them like to put very important HUD elements in the corner of the screens. Due to where I typically like to sit, a 27" monitor is nice in regards to allowing you to see somebody but it is a

In your description, you mentioned that your friend was having issues with pain in his hands due to all the button mashing in games like Bayonetta. You do not have to button mash in Bayonetta and you DEFINITELY do not button mash in any souls-game. If you find yourself button mashing, especially to the point where it

What I really want to know is that, in 6 months when quite a few friends finally buy BL3 on Steam, will I be able to play with them when the new story DLC’s come out if I am on the Epic Game Launcher??

I’m sure it’s somebody else doing the Switch port, but man do I wish they would put some resources into a patch for the ps4/xb1 versions of Darksiders 2.  1 got a patch to fix all of the FPS issues and graphical/hitching issues and got it up to 60fps solid and part 2 was scheduled for the same treatment.  And it’s

Play however makes you happy.  I was ribbing people who do what you do because I prefer the image to actually look how it was designed rather than being all stretched and warped.  It looks bad to me but if it’s fine for you, go for it.  However, as I put it in another post, it’s akin to wearing a super ugly sweater

That isn’t being pretentious...that word doesn’t mean what you think it means. The game is being shown off for the first time and it’s being stretched out and not accurately represented.

The first time this game is shown and the guy showing it stretches it to 16:9.  Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lol.  Friends don’t let friends stretch 4:3 games/movies to 16:9!!!!

I went through something very similar as I had a higher end Kraken and it worked fairly well but I was never fully impressed by the cooling it provided.  The only thing it had going for it was it was quieter than my air cooler I had prior.  But then I had some heat related issues and I was tired of dealing with the

I work in software development and I can list multiple reasons why it was not fixed.