
No. All you have to deal with is people using keyboard/mouse converters that gives them a hell of an advantage over everyone else. It’s even more rampant...especially now that legit companies are making those peripherals these days instead of the niche market of chinese providers like in the past. OW is crawling

No games have reset buttons anymore and haven’t for a very long time!! And games rarely have them too. These people need to come up with new terminology. At least they stopped saying “cyberspace’.

Yeah, that’s my beef with the decision. Basically, all you do is wait for your friend to beat it then make them replay it with you or you are that friend and have to replay it with your friend just to get the co-op experience that the game offers. It’s a janky “solution” to a non-problem. I have a friend that I would

This infinite shouldn’t work. Had the game ever gotten a patch you wouldn’t be able to do these and there would be no need for breakers. Also, there is somewhat of a breaker system if the player tries to switch in another character to extend a combo where you simply guess the direction. So there is at least that.

This is a pretty good read and it’s weirdly a hurdle that a lot of people simply have to get over. Also, you don’t look at it as a huge cost but instead a small cost over time. A gaming PC is an expensive initial investment but what you can do with a PC in general is amazing. Not only does it support virtually

I am simply loving the fact that you can outplay the RH now. There is legit counter-play by making sure you’re positioned correctly and reacting accordingly and being able to beat it. That was the worst part as a person who plays against RH and as a person playing as him. I’d constantly fish for hooks that should

If you have to turn your render scale down to 75% to get the game to consistently run at your monitors 144hz (which you should also limit your FPS to 142 btw according to BattleNonsense testing on YT...look it up if you like) then you have some serious PC issues. Even one 980 should easily handle the job at 100% scale

Oh I like the feature. But it was already easy to manually move the files then click install on Steam. All it’s doing is removing the install click part of the manual method.

It’s what is known as wallbanging. Back in CS 1.6 you could shoot through many surfaces and still do max damage. So people who were hiding couldn’t hide in the same spots or people would learn those spots and kill them while they sat. In CS:GO it’s been changed where some surfaces allow you to easily shoot through

There is a huge crowd of people who will buy it and play it just for the hell of it to see if it’s as awful as it looks and to show their friends. Yes, those people exist. I know them and they are in my life and I’ve even been one of them once or twice. Also, games like this tend to get tossed into a ton of bundles

They weren’t actually quiet about it though. It was a new feature added and it was listed in the patch notes. And it’s not really a big new feature since most people already knew how to manually move their games quickly/easily and without downloading again. Ever since I can remember (I’ve been on Steam for 12 years

Yeah, I was going to say the same thing as the story author, Mark, flubbed and confused Twitch with Youtube.

Yeah, that’s exactly the thing...she has a crazy good kit that allows her to do things that she shouldn’t be able to considering the game is very much rock/paper/scissors balanced in regards to characters being strong against some other characters but weak against some others (same with situations). D.va has very few

The changes to D.va are not “wholesale changes”. They do nothing with her kit, she will still play the same...but she won’t be able to dominate matches based on her statistics alone like she has. She is a required pick right now because she can shot down way too many characters and put herself in very little danger.

Well, it was a joke and the person was going for commentary with entertainment value. So there is some leeway there. Also, despite it’s competitors getting much better over the years with online services, Nintendo has proven that they didn’t care to provide the same thing despite having all the opportunity to do so.

Well, it was a joke and the person was going for commentary with entertainment value. So there is some leeway there. Also, despite it’s competitors getting much better over the years with online services, Nintendo has proven that they didn’t care to provide the same thing despite having all the opportunity to do so.

Except that isn’t how it works. The few that even disclose without going to a wiki how effective they are per level are extremely underwhelming for the amount of AP you have to spend to get them.

Yeah, AP is way better for you to use than EXP is with levels. For example, going from level 55 to level 92 I went from 280 mana to 310. You barely get stat upgrades per level. So his run is still impressive but it’s not as impressive as going through all of Bloodborne without leveling anything up. Especially if he

The only character that is sexualized at all in Overwatch is Widowmaker...and that is very much on purpose and fits the character and is still fairly tasteful. I believe you’re thinking of fan art that the media reports on constantly since OW is still a pretty big deal half a year later. Which has nothing to do with

Watch Brotherhood and watch Kingsglaive. Both of them help a lot to give the game/characters more backstory than the game offers (even if Kingsglaive’s story is a bit all over the place too). And yeah, later on you start to like the characters. Noctis appears to be like Cloud/Squall/Lightning and a one note emo